Ch 21- 0.5 seconds

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** Luke's POV **

I couldn't believe we were able to pull it off. Jordyn had no idea that I planned on being at her graduation. I had nonchalantly asked for her parents' numbers "in case of an emergency" and arranged it all right behind her back.

Jordyn and I had become pretty close. As close as we could while being half a world away from each other anyway. I always looked forward to our talks and found myself wishing I could just be in her presence breathing the same air. It was a feeling I had never known before. And besides just wanting to spend some time with Jordyn, I felt the need to do something nice for her. I thought maybe she would like to see me again, too, and perhaps she'd appreciate me being at her graduation. At least, I hoped so.

I hated the thought of traveling alone, so I begged Michael to go with me. I reminded him that Jordyn had a hot sister, and that's pretty much all it took. He had obviously forgotten Ashton's story. Or maybe he just didn't care. Yeah, he probably didn't care.

All the traveling was exhausting, but worth it when I saw Jordyn's face. I'm not even gonna lie. When I saw her take her seat and watched her sitting there unsuspecting, I felt something. Something I don't know how to describe. I even noticed my fingers trembling ever so slightly. Why?

She started looking around and my heart rate increased, knowing the secret was about to be revealed. Then Mike's hyperactive ass had to get her attention, along with everyone else's. I knew I was taking a huge chance on getting recognized just by being there, especially with Michael and his attention seeking blue hair. But I thought as long as we sneaked out quickly just before the ceremony was over, we'd be safe.

However, our cover was likely blown the second Michael whistled. But at that moment I honestly didn't even care. I was in the same room as Jordyn, looking at her beautiful face in the flesh. I didn't realize exactly how much I had wanted that until it happened. I had never looked forward to seeing a girl before, unless it was because I knew I'd be getting some action. And with Jordyn, that wasn't even a passing thought. Not at that moment anyway. So if it wasn't sex that I wanted, what was it? Feelings are so damn complicated, man.

The look of recognition, followed by shock, when she saw Michael was priceless. Then when she locked eyes with me, I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest. Why did she affect me that way? It was all so new and foreign. It had to just be because we had bonded over the baby. Surely that was the case.

I could tell Jordyn struggled to pay attention to the ceremony, as did I. I caught her glancing my way several times. But I was the real creeper, because I couldn't take my eyes off of her the entire time.

Michael and Jodie must have exchanged numbers because it appeared that they were texting back and forth, snickering the whole time. I could only imagine what they were discussing. I was pretty sure I didn't even want to know. Though, they, along with Jonathan, did stop long enough to stand up and hoot and holler as Jordyn received her diploma, much to the dismay of the other onlookers.

I'm also certain that was the longest graduation ceremony in the history of ever. When it was over, Jordyn immediately rushed our way. I was dying to get to her, to feel her, but did the proper thing and let her family offer their congrats first. When they were finished, Michael introduced himself properly and hugged her. When he pulled away, he addressed her belly, patting it lightly and saying, "Hi little guy, I'm Uncle Mikey." Even I had to smile at the idiot.

Then it was my turn. I hesitated hugging her, because what if she didn't want me to? I wouldn't be surprised if she never wanted me to touch her again after getting her pregnant. So I just told her, "Congratulations, Jordyn. I'm really proud of you."

She hesitated as well, and I saw tears welling up in her eyes. I instinctively took her in my arms, and I knew in that moment that I never wanted to let her go. It was that simple. I went from noncommittal sex crazed asshole to possibly wanting to be with this one woman forever in 0.5 seconds. What the fuck happened?

Jordyn let out a quiet sob and I held her tighter. We were in a room with thousands of people, but it was just me and her, and our little creation snuggled between us. I don't know how long we stood there, but when we parted, I almost forgot where we were. People were looking at us as they passed by. Most were smiling. Others looked annoyed.

Michael noticed, too. "We should probably get out of here."

Jodie quickly offered for Michael to ride with her to take Jonathan home, while their parents dropped us off at the apartment. Michael gave me that "don't wait up for me" look, so I assumed we wouldn't be seeing them the rest of the night. And that was fine by me because that meant I'd have some time alone with Jordyn.

Before we got in the car, Jordyn removed her gown and I got a good look at her baby bump for the first time. She was dressed in a form fitting, yet conservative black lacy dress that showed off her curves. How the actual fuck did I find a very pregnant chick so attractive? That bit I said earlier about not thinking of having sex with Jordyn? Yeah, that all went to shit real quick like. But there was no way in Hell I was going to act on it. I mean, if she initiated something, I wouldn't exactly turn her down, pregnant or not. But I didn't foresee that happening.

We had some casual conversation with her parents on the ride home. They were really nice and accepting of me. They talked to me as though I were just a part of the family. I guess, in a way, I was.

They dropped us off and we walked up the stairs to Jordyn's apartment. She unlocked the door and paused before opening it. "So, it's not anything glamorous and what you're used to. It could probably fit inside your bathroom - "

"I don't care what your place looks like or how big it is, Jordyn. Don't be ashamed of something you've worked so hard for. I only care about being here with you." That probably sounded way more intimate than I intended. Or did I intend it that way? I didn't even know anymore.

She gave me a tight lipped smile and went in. I followed and closed the door behind us, and looked around.

"I seriously don't see what you were so worried about. It's really nice. Cute even." They had it decorated in all white and pastels, very girly. I was impressed, actually.

Jordyn offered a quiet, "Thanks," as she took her heels off and tossed them next to the door. "You want something to drink?" she asked, opening the refrigerator and taking out a water for herself.

"Water is fine." Though I'd rather have something containing alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol.

She gestured for me to follow her and said, "You don't mind if I change, do you? This isn't the most comfortable thing to be wearing in my current state."

Thanks for the mental image, Jordyn. "No, go ahead. But you look really pretty, by the way."

She gave me a small smile and said, "Thanks. I'm sure my makeup is a mess now. I'm sorry for crying. I don't even know what happened."

"Your makeup looks great, and don't apologize for crying. I understand." But not really. If it was anything like I was feeling, I didn't really understand it at all. Whatever it was comforted and scared me at the same time.

We just looked at each other for a moment. It wasn't even awkward. But finally she told me to get comfy on the couch and she'd be right back.

I pulled out my phone to occupy myself, and I had a text from Michael.

From Mike: Dude you have to stay there tonight. Please. I'll owe you.

I knew exactly what he meant. Our inexperienced asses weren't used to making travel arrangements ourselves, so we hadn't even booked a room before landing in Nashville. It was a miracle we even booked the correct flight. So we went to the nearest hotel and all they had was one room left. We were told we probably wouldn't find another hotel with a vacancy because of several big events in the area all weekend. So we had to share a room. And now apparently Mike and Jodie were going to be using it.

I was so down, though. But exactly how was I supposed to invite myself to stay the night with Jordyn?

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