Ch 18 - Bye, Jordyn

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** Luke's POV **

Nothing out of the ordinary happened over the next few weeks, besides when I got a certain text from Jordyn late one night. I think she was about 17 weeks along.

The guys and I had gone out that night. I was having a legit good time until Gina showed up. It was the first time I'd seen or heard from her since that apology gone wrong.

She was already sloppy drunk when she arrived with her usual bunch. Ashton saw her first and warned me that she was coming our way. I took off to the restroom, but she saw me. The bitch actually followed me into the men's room.

She was all over me, whining, saying she was stupid, asking for forgiveness, blah blah blah. She even tried to talk me into letting her give me a blowjob right there. If I hadn't already landed a hookup for the night, I may have considered it. When she started crying, I left her standing there. No, thanks.

I went straight back to our spot, where Rebekah, my replacement for Gina, was. I grabbed her hand and led her out without saying a word. We'd only been together twice in the past couple weeks, but she knew what I wanted. She drove us to my house without even asking.

We did what we intended to do, and afterwards, when she was in the bathroom, I checked my phone. It was 12:27 a.m. And I had a text from Jordyn, sent 15 minutes earlier.

From Jordyn: Luke! I just felt the baby move!

I couldn't stop the biggest smile from spreading across my face. I could only imagine how excited Jordyn was.

I was in the middle of typing a response when Rebekah came out of the bathroom, already dressed.

I didn't take any chances with her. I told her before the first time that I wasn't the type that wanted any post sex cuddling or any of that nonsense. I told her that I wasn't going to be exclusive, and didn't expect her to be. But if she wanted to be with me again, there'd be no possibility of a relationship, no spending the night, no hanging out except at the club, and no posting anything about it anywhere. She must have been desperate, because she agreed.

"What are you smiling about?" She asked.

I wasn't going to tell her the truth, because it was still on the downlow for the time being. Besides, she'd probably make a big deal out of the fact that I was having a baby with some other chick. So I just said, "Ah, nothing. Just Mike being stupid." I'm sure wherever he was, he was probably being stupid. So it wasn't a complete lie.

She apparently believed me. "Oh. Well, I guess I'll go now." Even though we agreed on "the rules," it was still always awkward afterwards.

I pulled on some shorts and walked her to the door, giving her a quick kiss.

"Bye, Luke. Till next time."

"Bye, Jordyn."

She looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Um, what?"

I was oblivious to my mistake. "I said bye."

"Yeah, well, I'm not Jordyn, Luke."

Fuck, did I really call her by Jordyn's name? What the hell?! "Wh- I... fuck. Sorry." I was so embarrassed. And I didn't get embarrassed easily.

"Wait. Is this Jordyn a girl or boy?" She was still glaring at me with that raised eyebrow.

"She's a girl." No sense in lying about it.

"Hmph. I know we're not a couple and all, but the least you could do is get my name right. Or better yet, maybe you should just call Jordyn the next time you want to get laid. Have a nice life, Luke."

Well, damn. Back to the drawing board.

But whatever, I needed to respond to Jordyn's text. Ah, hell. I'll just call her.

It rang five times, and I was about to hang up when she answered.

"Hey!" I could hear her beautiful smile in her voice. Well, it was beautiful. There was nothing wrong with acknowledging it.

"Hey! So how weird was it?"

"Feeling the baby?"


She chuckled. "It was the strangest thing I've ever felt. It was like a little flip flop in my uterus." She laughed harder. "I don't really know how to explain it. You know when you have a palpitation, or it feels like your heart skips a beat?"

"Um hmm."

"It was like that. So crazy."

"That's great. I kind of wish I could feel it. Does that make me a weirdo?"

"No, it makes you a good daddy."

There was a bit of an awkward silence, neither of us quite knowing what to say after her response. But she spoke first.

"So I hope my text didn't wake you up or anything. I mean, it's Friday, you're probably out partying anyway, right?"

"I was, but I'm home now. And, no, it didn't wake me. I'm glad you told me. It kind of made my day."

"Mine, too." I heard children shrieking playfully in the background, followed by Jordyn's quiet laugh. "I hate to rush, but I'm at work, so I should go."

"Oh, okay. I hope the rest of your day is good. Don't work too hard, babe." Babe?! Fucking hell, Luke. What's gotten into you?

"Goodnight, Luke. Sweet dreams."

I hung up before I could say something else stupid.

I don't know. I had been thinking of Jordyn a lot, for obvious reasons. Even when I was with Rebekah I'd thought about her. Not like I wished it was Jordyn that I was with. Just that, in a way, I felt guilty. I didn't even know why. Like, she was on the other side of the world, pregnant with my kid, working her ass off and going to school, but still barely making it, and hardly having any free time. And here I was living the dream, partying, having a good time with whomever I wanted, without a care in the world except that I was going to be a dad in a few months. Yet, I was still acting like an irresponsible teenager.

What was it Ashton said? 'Everything happens for a reason.' Maybe the incidents with Gina and Rebekah were meant to be. Maybe they were signs that I needed to grow up and worry about more important things than when I was going to get laid next. I don't know. It was too damn late to be analyzing the meaning of life, so I gave up and went to bed.

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