Ch 29 - Other Ways

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**Luke's POV **

I didn't even need to think about a response. It just came out of my mouth as though I had said it a thousand times. "I love you, too."

Every time we kissed it felt like the first time. That time was no different. For lack of a better word, it was amazing. I've kissed more girls than I care to admit, but honestly never thoroughly enjoyed it. I now know it's because there was something missing, which I didn't realize until I kissed Jordyn that morning on Valentine's Day. And damn, I'm glad I found the missing link.

I held Jordyn in my arms as we fell asleep that night. That was a first for me, and also something that I didn't realize was missing in my life.

We settled into a nice routine over the next couple of weeks. Unfortunately, Jordyn was unable to breastfeed at all. But, as I told her, that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. It just meant that I could help out more. So we'd alternate nightly feedings, and shared the housework and everything really. And I enjoyed every bit of it. It was nice change being a regular person for a while.

I was bathing Landon in the kitchen sink one night when Jordyn came up behind me and put her arms around my waist. "You know, most men wouldn't do everything that you do."

"Well that's stupid. Landon's just as much my responsibility as yours. There's no reason you should have to do more than me. If I was busy working or something, that might be different. But luckily I don't have anything to do for a few more weeks."

I had some promo to do for the upcoming album release, and would need to go back to Australia for the first round of that business. But we were planning on going there soon anyway so my family could spend some time with Landon.

Jordyn held up a towel to swaddle our little guy in. I placed a quick kiss on her nose and took the baby back for his bedtime bottle. It was always my favorite time of the day.

She followed me into the bedroom and helped me put lotion on Landon and watched as I put his diaper and pajamas on him.

"Speaking of work, I'm going to have to start looking for a better job soon and put my degree to use. I don't want to be working at a daycare the rest of my life."

"As far as I'm concerned, you don't have to work at all, babe. Raising a baby is a full time job itself."

"Yes, it is, but the pay kind of sucks," she laughed.

"We don't need the money, you know."

Jordyn playfully rolled her eyes at me. "I know. We've had this conversation 50 times. I'm not going to mooch off of you, Luke. Landon might be your responsibility, but I'm not. I need to provide for myself."

What she couldn't understand was that I wanted to take care of her. But whenever I mentioned it, she'd get offended. "Okay, Miss Independent. But what about Landon? Who will be taking care of him when I'm not here?" We walked to the living room, where I rocked Landon as he took his bottle. He was such a good eater, his tiny cheeks getting chubbier every day.

"Well, since I'll be working at the daycare until I find another job, I can take him with me. Then, when I get a new job, my mom has already volunteered to babysit him."

"Well, okay. Sounds like a plan. But..."


"Babe, I don't mean to sound clingy, because God knows I don't like clingy, but I kind of hate the thought of being away from you when I'm on the road for weeks at a time. I dread it." I sounded like a goddamn girl.

"I know, me, too. How about we cross that bridge when we get to it? We both know things don't always go as planned. Who knows what will be going on when that time comes?"

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