Ch 22 - I'm Not Sure

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** Jordyn's POV **

I was reeling from the fact that Luke even cared enough to go out of his way to attend my graduation. Why? I wanted to ask, but was too afraid I'd get all emotional again.

God, how I wished things were different between us. But at least I had his friendship. It could have been so different. He could have fought for custody or abandoned both of us. But he didn't. And for that I was thankful. I was lucky to have what I did, so there was no need in dwelling on things I couldn't have, though it was hard not to.

I quickly looked for something to change into, settling on a gray t-shirt and some black cutoff sweats. I honestly didn't even care as long as I was comfortable, which was becoming more difficult by the day.

Luke was on his phone when I made it back to the living room. He glanced up quickly, back at his phone, then did a double take, his eyes skimming me from head to toe. If I hadn't been so damn huge I would have thought he was checking me out.

He scooted over and patted the couch next to him, while saying, "So, apparently your sister is getting along with Mike a lot better than she did with Ashton." He showed me a text from Michael.

Well alrighty then, Jodie. Get some. "Apparently. Well then, I guess you and I get to have a slumber party."

Luke responded, "I don't have to stay here, you know. Surely I can find another hotel somewhere."

"If you really just don't want to stay here, I completely understand and that's cool. But of course you're welcome to stay. You can even have your pick of the couch, Jodie's bed, or mine." Yikes. He probably thought I was suggesting sleeping in my bed with me. I totally would have, of course, but he'd probably rather not. To clarify, I said, "I mean, I can sleep in Jodie's room if you want my bed. Really, it doesn't matter. It would be silly for you to sleep on the couch when there are two beds." I was talking fast, as I tended to do when nervous.

Luke smiled and paused before answering. "Well, it's a long time until bedtime, so we'll worry about that later."

"Yeah, okay." I got comfortable, propping my feet up on the table. They didn't really look it, but they felt tight, like they were swollen. And they hurt from wearing those stupid heels.

"Why are you frowning?" Luke questioned.

"Oh. Didn't realize I was. My feet hurt. One of the many woes of pregnancy."

Without warning, he grabbed my outstretched legs and gently turned me so that my feet were in his lap. "Lie back and relax."

I found my own personal heaven as Luke massaged my feet and legs. I thanked myself for shaving that day for the first time in a couple of weeks. Hey, it was winter, and no one saw my legs.

We passed the time talking about whatever random stuff came up. Now and then I'd feel the baby move and I wanted so badly to ask Luke if he wanted to feel it, but it was just too awkward and I couldn't bring myself to ask. But then I started feeling this rhythmic little jump and it was really weird. I finally realized that the baby had hiccups.

Once I figured it out, I put my hands on my belly without even thinking of it. "Oh my gosh."

"What is it? Are you okay?"

"Yeah. It just that the baby has hiccups. I've never felt that before and it took me a minute to figure out what was going on."

He asked shyly, "Do you think I could feel it?"

My heart melted. "Of course. Here." I put his hands where I thought he could feel it best, and held them in place with mine. "Just wait a second." We sat as still as statues staring at each other, waiting for the little guy to move.

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