Chapter 1

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This is my first time writing a book,so hopefully its good. I would greatly appreciate feed back. I would like to thank everyone in advance for reading my book.. Enjoy. Well here it goes...

Lee's Pov

It's funny how the world's perception on ones life is to live the American dream. Your supposed to graduate college by 24 be married by 26 and have two children a boy and a girl. Well this isnt the 1800s this is 2015 were the college dropout rate is higher than high school graduates. Marriage, really ? It's more divorces than marriage proposals. Children ? Children are having children, kids as young as 12 are having kids.

Well enough about that, hi my name is Levi Tyrone Ross. Im 24yrs 5'10 athletic build, former college basketball player, yes I graduated college. I'm African American, brown eyes, curly mini fro. I have a 3 yr old son, oh yeah im bi. I wouldn't say I'm your average bisexual that dates girls but sleep with guys, yuck. Im a committed type of guy when were official other than that you can say I'm a male whore(don't laugh I'm serious). I feel like if I'm in a relationship with a guy or girl then is just us nobody else and besides I have to be careful who I bring around jr. Yeah I know you might say what a typical guy to name his son after him but hey that's a father's dream in my opinion.

As for the mother of my son (Danielle) she's signed over her rights after jrs 1st birthday moved outta state and the only time I hear from her is on his birthday, she sends a card with the same words written at the bottom 'Ty you know I'll always love you and jr, I just had to do what's best for jr I couldn't rob him of a deserving life that I know only you could provide'. Honestly I never thought we'd turn out like this we met in college and I guess fell in love but when she found out she was pregnant she wanted an abortion and I couldn't let that happen, we broke up but still slept together ,after the birth of jr she wanted to get back together. Me being me I accepted and exactly 7 days 12 hrs 46 mins and 34 secs (who's counting) after our sons birthday I woke up to a 3 page letter from Danielle explaining she's moving to New York.

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I called her shortly after reading the letter and was sent to voicemail. I called for 3 days straight no answer and on Jr's 2nd birthday I gotta card address to me. The line that stood out the most from the letter she wrote the day she left us was written at the bottom of the card : Ty you know I'll always love you and jr, I just had to do what's best for jr I couldn't rob him of a deserving life that I know only you could provide.

I told myself I'll keep the letter she wrote and the cards and when jr gets older and asks about his mom I'll have that handy when it's time to talk along with the few pictures I have of her. No it's not what your thinking, I mean I do have feelings for her because she's my sons mother and yes I miss her but only because she's missing out on the greatest moments of his life.

Ok yeah I know your probably wondering where was your son while you were in college and all this other stuff. Well my mom resigned from her job 3 yrs prior to me having a son so she watched him for me while I worked and went to school but I made sure to pick him up and bring him home with me. I can't leave that burden on my parents. As for my father whom im terribly afraid of he's been supportive from day one as well he tried to persuade me to go back to Famu to complete my degree but I didn't feel right leaving my son behind so I finished my degree at our local community college and especially leaving him on my parents. I also have 4 siblings which you'll learn about later

As a matter of fact while I'm doing all of this talking I'm bringing jr to my mom's while I go to work. I'm actually pulling up now to my parents house now.

"How are my babies ? I haven't seen you in so long." Said my mom

"Grammy I miss you," was Jr's greeting

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