Chapter 14

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Carlos Pov

Questions running through my head. So how should I tell him ? Do I say he's my bestfriend which he is or do I say just an ex which he's not. Guess I'll go with the first one.

"Im sorry babe im kinda dosing off, what'd you say ?"

"Don't worry just go to bed"

"My fault babe don't be mad you the one that wore me out"

"Yeah, yeah I know " He says smacking my ass. Honestly after that I did fall asleep.


Bre Pov

Thought y'all would never hear from me lol. I'm Zibbriana Davis, Carlos bestfriend/babymoma. I'm assuming y'all know our history already. I'm just confused as to why Carlos still thinks he's gay. I could've sworn it was just a phase. I love that man I do but I guess I can't chase after someone who doesn't want me. One things for sure though I made sure I got pregnant by him.

Call me what you want but im in love with him. He can say what he wants but he has to feel the same. Why me ? Ugh !

Of course I was joking with threatening him not seeing our son again I just thought it'll make him stay. Guess it's time to move on.


Carlos Pov

I woke up before king so I decided I'll make breakfast. He claims he likes home meals but for the past week or maybe longer he's been eating out. I have to go to work in a couple of hours so I gotta make this quick.

Im just going to keep it a buck with Lee and tell him who Yannick is if he asks again but I'll be a fool to bring it up.


Lee Pov

I woke up sweating, I had one of those crazy dreams that you don't remember after you wake up but you know it wasn't a good dream. My eyes are still shut due to this thick cole in them. I've must have been sweating bad because the a/c is on and the ceiling fan.

I used the back of my hand to remove some of the nasty substance. Im feeling around the bed and Chulo isn't no where to be found. Im sniffing to see if I smell breakfast but all I smelt is the early morning gas I just released. Yuck.

I got up and took care of my morning wood. I washed my hands and face. No I didn't brush my teeth for some reason even when I was young I only brushed my teeth in the morning after I ate because if I do it before I wouldn't be able to taste half of my food.

Im walking and before I can get halfway through the hallway I smell eggs. Yes my favorite.

" Lee come have a seat, what is it this morning water, orange juice or cranberry juice "

" I'll take whatever your having."

"Cranberry it is"

About a minute passed and a plate of food was brought to the table and say in front of me. I was graced with a omelet with cheese, tomatoes, spinach, bacon, sausage and my favorite green peppers, accompanied with a red velvet waffle. I smiled at the sight.

" Chulo baby you know daddy loves you"

" Yeah I know my dad loves me nigga."

" I'm talking about me"

"King, (he looked at me side eyed) please"

I stared at him for a second before eating.Damn my baby can cook, I've been missing this. This is another thing I love about him he takes care of his man.

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