Chapter 9 Everything Happens for a Reason

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Lee's Pov

This shit is too funny to me he doesn't think I know about his baby so ima play along with him, lowkey I wish it was a girl his babymoms was having cause then I'll have a boy and girl.

"What the fuck you mean he's dating me ? Fuck you mean you gotta son that'll be born anyday and you aint tell me. Got me looking like a fool sorta pushing the issue for you to have a child and you already have a son. Just get out ! "(Carlos moved from by the balcony and walked towards the bed)

"Get out where , you must mean out your face cause last I knew this my house and you shouldn't be mad. You dropped a bomb on me t-"

"You said you already knew, so that's different. Next !"

"How so, Lee ?"

"Cause it just is. I was protecting my son."

"So now you wanna make shit bigger than what it is. I told you so get the fuck over it or let yourself out !"

Lee got up out the bed and put some clothes on and left the room. Carlos was too afraid to run after him and also afraid to see if Lee left the room or the house as well.


Chase Pov

I messaged my brothers and sister on our group me app to remind them of Sunday. Yeah we postponed the announcement due to Dj's situation but he's getting out Saturday. Kayla, pops and I've been the only ones visiting him these past few days. I'm happy he's getting out. The million dollar question is, why was he targeted ? I know pops is trying to give him time but I give it till Wednesday and pops is going to grill him.

Dj's going to be pissed he doesn't know mom's broke his lease and moved his baby moms and daughter in. And yup you guessed it, him too. So he thinks he's just going moms home to be looked after for a few days then be on his own, well earth to him that's not happening.

Everyone's responded about Sunday, im just happy that im blessed to have Diamond as my fiancee. She's an amazing girlfriend and doesn't complain about nothing unless she sees that im losing focus but even then she's encouraging. I'm lucky to be in love.


Dj's Pov

Im finally back to normal I guess but they just keeping me to monitor me for a few more days I'll be out Saturday. Damn I gotta get back on these streets I done lost alotta money. Im ready to see my munchy, I miss her. I thank the man upstairs for sparing my life. But I'm still feeling bad, not physically but mentally. I kinda lied my stomach hurt like a bitch but ima be good though.

I feel like shit, I mean horse shit. Im such a coward. My pops been here looking out for me, I want so bad to tell him my issues, like my family, drugs and so on. I can't believe im too shame to even call Amber to see if her and munchys ok. I mean I know she doesn't have family so I should've been brought her to meet mine.

Everyday in this hospital bed them two have been on my mind. I think I'm going to confide in pops today cause 1, im in the hospital he can't kill me, 2, I need my munchy and Amber here and 3, im tired of being a coward I gotta do this.

"Aye pop's, we gotta talk, ok I - "

"You need something son ?" Damn I'm nervous

"Yeah I need to grow up and start being that man you told me to be."

"Im glad to hear that."

"Pop's don't get mad, I don't do things to piss you an moms off I just dont want yall taking care of me, im 26 I need to do for me. It's not an excuse as to why I sell drugs or run the streets but it's the truth. Another thing you have a beautiful granddaughter by the name of Aria love Ross. She's 5 smart and she looks just like jr to be honest. Besides me being scared and being a punk I have no excuse as to why I've kept this stuff from you. I love you pops."

(Pops sigh and takes a deep breath before responding)" Son im not mad maybe a lil disappointed. All yall know your mother and I have this open relationship with you guys to tell us any and everything and we'll do our best to help you out. From Lee being with Carlos to Darien being a bum to Kayla and her caucasian boyfriend to you selling drugs to Chase getting engaged. (I raised my eyebrow at that one but im happy for my lil bro I hope they go through it and make it last forever) You know what its ok we'll talk about this after you get home and settled back in. "

I just nodded in agreement. I didn't want to start anything because him and mom always gives the best advice so I know what's coming I may not want to hear it but im going to listen.

I know this was a short chapter, sorry. I'll be updating soon. Thanks for the comments and votes they're much appreciated.

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