Chapter 5

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"What is it Dani" I asked annoyed

"Aww called me Dani. Well I wanna see jr, I miss him and I love him. Before you get all hostile, I'm sorry, I love you I miss you and jr. I wanna get back together and be a family for real this time." This bitch, lemme check her

"Are you dumb ? Like really you up and leave our son, send birthday cards, no texts, no phone calls, hell this is the first time I've heard your voice since the day before you left. You changed your number and everything. I can't even fix myself to tell you I hate you cause your the mother of my seed but I will tell you to fuck off."

"Lee don't be like this, from the bottom off my heart I'm sorry. Well can you atleast send Jr here to live with me for a while, I miss him and I know you could use some alone time. And it's expensive here I can use him to get housing im about to lose my place."

"You've had plenty of chances and time to make this right but you didn't. You dont want him you want him for government assistance, what kind of sick mother are you ? You know what dont answer that, I'm not doing this, goodbye."

"Lee I -"

" Bitch Bye "

Before she could finish I hung up. Im so livid its not even funny. She must really be insane to think I'll just drop everything for her much less send my son to live with her. I gotta tell mom's about this.

I got up out the bed finally to go do my morning routine. Jr's up watching tv, guess I'll make this a cereal morning.

"Jr come eat"

"Ok daddy"

"You wanna go to Grammys or with uncle Dj" I asked him

"Um with you daddy"

"Daddy's gotta go to work"

"Ok Grammys"

After breakfast we brushed our teeth and for dressed to leave. I opened the door and saw a pink sticker paper attached to my door from UPS I work there so I knew it came from there. Here's the thing I didn't order anything.

I just left the sticker on my door. I called my mom to tell her I was on my way she asked me to stop to the store and grab some milk. She's lucky im actually 15 mins early. I stopped at Walgreens. We went in the store and I saw Carlos so I went to talk to him.

"Morning B , what's good" I asked him

"Sup bruh, are you free tonight, we need to talk ! Hey lil man"

"Hi Carlos" my mini me said

"Um after my night job yeah we can talk"

"Ok cool, I miss you nigga, later lil man"

"Bye" Jr said

"Same here bruh"

We bro hugged and I went to get the milk , I paid and we left. On the way to my moms all I could think about was Dani trying to get back with me and what the hell did Chulo want to talk about. I reached my mom's.

"Morning my two babies" my mom said

"Grammy, grammy"

"Hey ma, you wouldn't believe who called me, well actually I gotta missed call and called back but anyway it was Dani."

"Sounds personal baby you know I can't deal with that girl just thinking about her is upsetting me. It's not like I don't like her I just dont like how she did you and my baby." She aint right

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