Chapter 11

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Lee's Pov

I started cleaning up the dining room and I got a text from Dani

" Hey Lee, I know your still upset with me but I want to see Jr, I'll be there in 2 weeks and 3 days. I'll be there for a week and would like to bring Jr back with me. I hope we can be adults about this and talk. We have to come to an agreement sooner than later. Love you and Jr always. Later Lee. "

Is she dumb ? Really come to an agreement ? IS she not the same bitch that signed over her rights to me because she wanted to live her life. Man she got life fucked all the way up. I got a headache just that quick.

I told my parents I was heading out so mom's asked if I was leaving Jr. I hold her im bringing him with me , I miss him. She said she wanted to bring Jr and Aria out tomorrow. But I already had plans to bring him somewhere.

After we got home I bathed Jr and we went to my room and stayed up watching t.v.and eating junk food. I couldn't help myself but I'd stare at Jr ever so often and silently thank gosh that he's my son.

I love my son so much. I just got a text from Chulo. So I called him instead of texting back

"Bro are you still at moms ? "

"Home watching movies with Jr. "

"Oh, ok so you want me to come by or nah ?"

"It's up to you Chulo "

"Ok on my way"

He hung up and I slightly sighed. Im just thinking about my relationship. Its not like I'm hiding it cause people do know but I don't want my son knowing. Sounds dumb, huh ? Well I don't mind if he turns out gay or straight but I just don't want him to grow up thinking he has to be gay or straight I want him to choose what he wants to do. Get it ?

Less than an hour later Chulo comes home so I walk in the kitchen and I see him in there with food and im like damn he should've said he was bringing food or something cause I done ate this damn junk food. I know its late at night but still. When I see him I awkwardly start to smile.

"King why you smiling like that ?"

"Just thought about something nothing major but where's my plate nigga ?"

"Ima bring it in the room to you."

"Jr sleep so I'll eat out here with you, when were done I'll bring him to his room so we can talk."


I was smiling and thinking to myself because I called my house his house basically when I said he came home with food. I really want him to move in, I love him and want to wake up to him. I'm still too nervous to ask.

I finished eating before him and got up to bring Jr to the room until he stopped me and said let's talk on the couch let him sleep. We walked over to the couch I laid down with my back against the armrest and he got between my legs and I just stroked his hair.

"Bae, uh, I was wondering, well before you get mad I -"

(Carlos cut me off) "Damn what'd you do now ?"

"Chill its nothing like that, I just want my baby to move in with me."

"Considering we just really got back on good terms and I have a son now, it'll take a while for me to give you an answer."

"I understand I won't pressure you"

Carlos started talking and honestly I didn't know that I fell asleep until Jr came hitting me saying daddy im hungry. I jumped up and noticed Chulo was gone so I went to the kitchen , washed my hands and fixed Jr some cereal. Damn its 7 am.

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