Chapter 4

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Carlos Pov

"Lee I know what your thinking. Your brother's grown he can handle himself".

"I know, I know. For some reason I just have a bad feeling."

"EVERYTHING will be ok."


Lee's Pov

Everyone is having a good time in the pool just living it up, you'll think it was one of my siblings birthday.

After a while the party died down, I got tired so I went to my old room to get jr and head home. I held jr being he was still sleep, Carlos and I said our see you later's and left.

On the way home Carlos said he'll be sleeping at my house for the night. I know he wanted dick but im just to tired right now. So I decided we'll shower and go to bed.

The next morning I woke up to the smell of breakfast, eggs to be exact. I got out the bed did my morning routine (using the restroom,brushing teeth, washing my face). I seen Carlos phone light up on the night stand, so I brought it to him.

"Chulo here's your phone"

"Thanks bruh"

I walked to the table where he'd already had jr sitting and eating. My plate was calling my name, waffles, cheese eggs, bacon, sausage and grits. I don't think I spent 3 minutes eating.

Carlos just off the phone

Dj's Pov

Wtf ? Where the hell am I ? I began to rub the crust out of my eyes. I notice I'm in my old room at my parents house. I try yo move to get up but I notice on both sides of the bed is laying two bodies Randall and a chick. Hold up ! A chick ? I'm gay I don't like girls or do I ? I mean yeah I've had sex with girls but dudes are more fun.
Oh I didn't introduce my self I'm Demarcus lamont Ross Jr. Yeah I know I'm the second son to be born but my mother and father had issues when Darien was 1st born so my wouldn't allow him to name his first child. Im 26yrs old gay, a drug dealer and I have a 5 yr old daughter, Aria Love Ross. Before you ask no my family doesn't know. That's why im so close with jr they look alike and im do use to my daughter that my uncle mode just comes right on when I'm around him.

Why my family doesn't know about Aria ? Because im ashamed im only a father because I got drunk at a party and had unprotected sex with Amber. Yes I did a DNA, I was there for her birth. We are actually together, crazy right. Well she's actually supportive of my decision not to tell my family because she's never met her family. Both of her parents died when she was younger, no family wanted to take her in. We live together. The only honest reason I sell drugs is so she doesn't have to work she can just go to school and take care of our Love. Enough about me back to this sticky situation.

I look down at my dick and I've never been so happy to see that I left the condom on. I don't need any diseases or any more kids.

"Wake up grab your clothes and get the hell out". I say as I push them both out the bed.

"Fuck off ! "she says while gathering her belongings and leaving

"So that's it ? You get your nut off and kick me out ? "Says Randall

"Yup, now leave ! "

As Randall is leaving I'm searching for my phone. I know Carlos told me my boyfriend wanted me last night, yes Kevin is my dude. I gotta call him.

"Morning babe" I say to Kevin

"What do you want Demarcus ? " what's his problem

"Babe im sorry I fell asleep I was tired."

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