Chapter 6 Secrets

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Ever sit back and replay in your mind the events that took place previously that day and realize small things made it a good or bad. This is that moment but I've two days on my mind, yesterday cheating and today with the b.s. at work.

Im still at my job but im in my car calling pops to see if they left yet. Guess I can drive home and talk.

"Hey Lee, is everything ok at work ?" Pops asked

"I don't wanna talk about work pops im calling to see if yall left to go fishing yet."

"Coo, I need you to talk to me later. And to answer your question no, Jason decided to tag along so were waiting for him."

"Gotcha pops, ok I will go with yall I just need to stop by the house and change."

"Ok we'll take the boat out there since its a decent amount of us going."

"Ok pops see you soon, Chu, im mean Carlos calling me."

"Ok son."

I clicked over to answer Carlos before he hangs up and gosh knows I miss him.

"Sup bruh, you need some dick ?" I chuckled a bit

"No I called to see what time your going on lunch so I can bring you lunch"

(Now im confused as hell as to why he didn't text me and he knows I'm at work but anyway) "Chulo I think I quit or got fired im not too sure and I really don't care but im going fishing with Jr we can have dinner if that's ok."

"Chante asked me to work a double since kariah called out that's why I wanted to have lunch but have fun with jr. Guess we can chill tomorrow since you only have one job now."

"Chulo don't be mad, I'll explain the job issue later and yeah we can do that tomorrow, later bruh "(Finally reached home)

"Damn I love you too"

"Chulo you know a nigga love you"

"Mmmmn, yeah later"

I hung up with a smile on my face. I opened my house door went to my room and changed into my green underarmour gym shorts, t shirt and my green and blue Nike air max. I grabbed my black underarmour gear for later to go shoot some hoops. I texted my dad to see if I needed to bring anything. He said no . I locked up the house and proceeded to my parents house. I get there and Jason isn't ready yet, I mean I did invite myself so I can't get mad but damn.

Were sitting here waiting and I get a text from an unknown number, then pops calls out to me to help him hook up the boat. Im looking at the text and it reads

'Lee im off tonight maybe we can break in my Jacuzzi since the car is crossed off my bucket list'. (I dropped my phone.)

(I knew instantly who it was but I didn't respond, not a min later she texts back, I picked my phone up) 'Lee I know you got my text'

(Another one) 'So what you saying ? The pussy wasn't good to you ?'

After that text Jason came downstairs apologizing saying the Chinese from last night didn't agree with his stomach. Nobody asked him nothing. We start walking to the suv and my phone vibrates, another text

I do apologize I may have the wrong number since I'm not getting a response. This'll be my last time texting you.

I silently thanked gosh. I sat way in the back with my son to talk and bother him.

"Hey lil man, you know I love you right" I said to him

"Yes daddy and I love you too"

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