Chapter 17 What Now ?

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Thanks for the continued support, im ever so grateful. Carry on........

Carlos Pov

This is the bitch that had the privilege to carry Lee's child, our son. Well I can't lie she is gorgeous but the way she up and left Jr and Lee I just dont see her to be that cute after all.

"Ty baby, I missed you so much, where's my son ?" Were the words to come out this bitch mouth. Im not sure if she knows about me or not but im his now. No one is claiming him. She's lucky I'm not a femininant drama queen because I would've been drug her ass.

Lee stood there speechless. Hold up I thought he just told me the other night that she'll be here in a couple weeks. Well at least she did come early enough not to fuck my birthday week coming up.This bitch still wants to talk.

"Ty, talk to me, I know you miss me, us and what we had. I apologized so many times before ( she walked up close to him and tried to hug him and kiss him at the same time and he blocked her without saying a word) oh really, that's how we do now ? You know what, just bring me my son and we'll be on our way !

This bitch has some nerves, woah she is lucky im not messy.

Lee's Pov

What in the entire fuck is she doing here ? Should I call La to whoop her ass ? Its not that im speechless its just that I have no words for her except


"What do you mean out ?"


"Not until I see my son, come on be a man let me see him damit."

"What part of out don't you understand is it the O, you Obnoxious little bitch, or maybe the U, you Unfit mother or maybe just may is the T you Tired, Trifling piece of shit. Get her out my-"(I was interrupted by the love of my life, Jr)

"Daddy what's wrong, why your face red and you look mad?" This bitch got me out of character and now my son sees this. Let me calm down. I kneeled down to his height and kissed his forehead.

"Jr go to your room please daddy will be up in a minute.(When she saw him she just smiled no words at all came from her pathetic mouth)Get this wonderful excuse of a woman away from my child NOW !!!"

"Bro chill she just-"'(i cut Darien off he knows im still kinda upset he took Jr without him letting me say see you later)

"D don't get me started with you"

(Darien backs away with his hands up on surrender) "my fault lil bro just do what's right"

"You be my big bro and respect me.( I got up in Dani's face but I wasn't going to hit her or nothing I just wanted these next words to eat her alive) I DON'T WANT HER AROUND MY SON !"

By this time Darien pulled Danielle away and Chulo has grabbed my hand and brought me outback to the patio. I swear I wasn't going to hit her. I just have so much anger towards her that I didn't realize until I saw her.

Chulo sat on the pool chair a pegged me to sit between his legs and I did. At this point I was yearning his comfort. He began to stroke my hair and tell me its ok and he's always going to be here for me.

Its just crazy how my day has gone. Its just like you can plan one thing and another happens.

Honestly I contemplated so many times if I would let her meet him, even see him for that matter. I dont want him to hurt the way I still do. I cant lie yes I still hurt, why just up and leave your child like that ? If we didnt work out so be it but to leave your child ugh.

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