Chapter 12

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Carlos Pov

I fucked up, like big time really fucked up. I slept with Bre multiple times leading up to the birth of my son. Only because her midwife suggested it would be good preparation for the delivery of the baby. Im not really keeping it from Lee I just feel as though it's not important.

I just did it for my baby not for Bre although she has hinted that she wants to be with me. I mean ghr sex is ok I just like it cause im back in top mode. Don't get me wrong im in love with Lee and yes I did let him take my top title from me. I just miss being the dominant one in the

So since I feel like Lee is taking to long im mean we've mentioned it once but I'm going to propose to him. My birthdays in less than 3 weeks im going to do it that night. I hope he says yes I talked to my homie, ace, day 1 whatever you wanna call it about it and he keeps telling me to tell Lee about what I did with Bre.

The only messed up part about it too is the same day Lee fucked me into next year was the last time I had sex with Bre and she went into labor. Ugh I dont know what to do. Any help ? Please ?

Another thing too my ace Yannick is the 1st guy I messed with we never dated just fucked for a few months until he got a bf and we just remained friends. I personally dont feel as though its a secret because it hasnt come up so I haven't said anything.


Lee Pov

Really ? You've gotta be fucking kidding me. This nigga been cheating on me and didnt have the balls to tell me. I atleast was man enough to tell him about me and Des. This the shit I dont like.

Why me ,what the fuck ? I know I cheated but I apologized about it I thought we made up. I love this nigga. This was supposed to be it for me no different nigga or females. I cant do this as soon as I think everything is going ok this shit happens.

My mom's told me that I had a good one and I fucked it up. I guess I gotta get over it . I wanna ask him about it but how ?

Do I confront him about it ? But then that'll mean that I don't trust him.

Do I ask who's Yannick is ? I mean I can just say I saw his name on the message box that popped up on his phone right ?

I don't fucking know !


I'm on my way to my mom's to pick up Jr. I couldn't sleep last night thinking about my baby I haven't seen him in a day in a half but I miss him.

"Hey ma ! "

"Lee, what brings you by ?"

" Just came to get Jr."

"Why ? I was just getting ready to bring him and Aria to breakfast. Dj's out with Amber to his check up. "

"Ok coo, I'll come I guess."

"What's wrong ? What'd you do ? "

"Ma why I always gotta do something, sheesh !"

"Hey, listen here I don't know why nor do I care why you sad, mad, hurt or whatever but your going to check your attitude at the door before you come in here -"

" Jr lets go -"

"I told you that I was brin-"

"Jr hurry up "

I waited at the door since she didn't want me in her house. I know I blew this up but right now , I'm upset and right now I don't care. Jr finally came I picked him up my mom was no longer by the door but I left it open and went to buckle Jr, got in and drove off.

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