Chapter 15

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Carlos Pov

After that unexpected kiss, some people awed at us, I didn't here anything negative. We ordered and I had to get the animal fries but I had them give it to me right away cause their fries are nasty.

The thing is its freshly cut and put it water then fried. Water and oil don't mix, hello ! But I still love them. Their menu is nice and simple , they stay busy.

We got our food and arrived to the Ross residence in 3 mins. Im hoping one of his brothers is there preferably Darien. Darien is the coolest I just like his nonchalant, non judgmental vibe.

Lee gave the kids their food, we spoke and everything. I went to Lee's old room to shower and change. After 21 mins I was done, I walked downstairs to grab a bottle a water. I swear gosh is on my side. Lee's outback talking on the phone and Darien just pulled up. I went to meet him outside.

"Yo D, ma boy what's good ?"

"Bro inlaw, sup, you alright ?"

"Yeah just want to talk to you about something, I would go to Mr. Ross but he's busy at work ya know."

" I do know if he hear you call him anything besides Pops or Dad hes gonna flip out. "

"True, um... Well I know you told me a while back if I needed to talk you'll be here for me." ( I look up at him hopelessly)

"Talk to me "

" You see, I love your brother, hell im in love with him. I know you dont wanna here this part but he's the 'man' as you would say in the relationship and im not use to that im use to being the 'man'."

" Carlos, I love ya like a brother but I dont wanna know how or what kinda sex you and my lil bro have"

"D its not that, ok im going to stop beating around the bush. Ok... Here it goes... I wanna ask Lee to marry me. I know how dominant he is if I do it in private he might reject it due to his masculinity. But if I do it at moms next Sunday dinner or my birthday party he'll have to say yes cause ,1 he wants to and he wouldn't embarrass me and 2, all yall would be waiting on the same answer. I just don't know what to do and im not trying to rush but I can't wait any longer than my birthday."

"Ok, start back over. (I stared at him like I was going to beat him up) Chill tony the tiger. I hear ya but if I know my brother like I know I do I'd suggest you wait. I feel sooner than later it'll happen, don't rush it. Hell yall just now moving together Friday, take it slow bro. Yeah that would be a dope as party yo." (the last part he changed the subject because lee came out front)

"What's good D, you trying to take my nigga, go get your own, (lee pulled me into hug, he wasn't stink but he still hadnt showered) this my fiancee."

"Ty chill with that I'll leave the rainbow for yall, but congrats on the house. I came to pick up Ari and Jr."

" Lee go shower", I said but he ignored me

"Ok super uncle, let me go gotta couple things to handle."


Lee went back in to shower and get ready. I bro hugged Darien and told him thanks for the talk. He said no problem and Jr rounded up the kids and left.

I was just in Lee's old bed watching tv. When he was done he was getting dressed then he went downstairs for like 5 mins came back up pissed.

" Bruh you ok "

" Nah, he took Jr and I didn't get a chance to say later,or hug em or nun."

"Oh, call him and tell him then talk to Jr."

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