Chapter 8 It's All My Fault

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Lee's Pov

I'm flipping through the channels and at this point I feel like we pay for tv for no damn reason. I was going to shut it off but I randomly stop on the evening news and they have a Brenden W. on the screen. He look like he's been arrested and I coulda sworn I knew this punk from somewhere. I turned the tv up because it seemed interesting :

"Breaking news

28 yr old Brenden W was arrested at his grandmothers after police received an anonymous tip about his whereabouts. He's been arrested for possession of cocaine with the intent to sell. He's also been rumoured to be the prime suspect in last month's home invasion with the Ross family in Fontana. The investigation is still ongoing, we'll keep you posted on the progress, that's all for now we have to go to a commercial brake, will be back after these messages."

I turned the tv off, I kinda couldn't believe what I just heard. I looked at Carlos and he gave me a comforting look and stroked my face and kissed my forehead. I got out the bed to walk to the balcony. The incident with Dj wasn't even aired when it occurred, well if it was it only was shown once. I called Darien and three wayed Chase.

"Im not going to ask if yall saw it but ima tell yall. Big lip Brenden shot Dj, will that's the rumor going around the streets.I just saw the report on the news but he's been arrested on drug related charges."

"That fuck nigga got what's coming to him," says Chase

Im kinda shocked but not really because it takes a lot to get Chase upset much less to get him curse. So I know he meant what he said and he's pissed.

"Lil bro I got this worry about school and your lil wifey, you got dreams to follow, I don't want you getting caught up in b.s.," says Darien

"Uh, Ok dad. (Chase says sarcastically) I gotta headache call me tomorrow."

He hung up before anyone could respond.

"Don't worry D you know he's not going to mess up his scholarship, he's just hurting, and wants revenge. Hell we all hurting I guess he just wants to vent."

"I understand, but that dude must have been praying cause if this would've aired without him being arrested I would've arrange a hit on him."

Carlos and I eneded up not going anywhere in fact we just talked all night until we fell asleep. Morning came but I was awaken by my phone ringing, thought I had it on vibrate. Ugh its Dani calling again she's really starting to bug me.

I got up to do my morning routine. I kinda forgot I was at Chulo's place cause I started looking for my robe lol.

I did notice that the text message icon appeared on the same line as the time on my phone saying I gotta message but I neglected to read it.

Its on my mind heavy what Carlos said about us being together for life. Im not saying I dont feel the same way, its just that he told me he wanted at least one kid. I cant step in the way of that. I mean who am I ? I have a son of my own. I walked back to the bed to what I thought was a sleeping Chulo.

I checked the message its only my dad checking on me and one from Dani I didnt bother to read it I deleted it and began to think about Carlos and I again.

I feel like once time passes by and he has a kid we can connect more because we would've accomplished our individual goals and then begin to pursue relationship goals as one. I was rudely interrupted by Carlos

"Lee you know your talking to yourself kinda out loud. Yes I did want a child when we 1st met but I have thought about it especially considering you have a son, when we make it legally official he'll be my son too."

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