✩Chapter 1✩

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1st person point of view

I remember him smiling, every time he looked at me

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I remember him smiling, every time he looked at me. It was sweet. It was just me and him, no one else. Father and daughter.

You see, I was just a infant when he adopted me. He had all of his attention on me, and does anything to provide for me. He's also makes robots. There was no problem with that until
I got a little old enough. He started to build this animatronic. The purpose of this animatronic was to take care of children at this daycare at a pizzaplex. It was a yellow sun, with a smile on his face and wore this jester outfit, that had red and yellow pattern pants. He even had a bells. He even had a side, though this one is a moon and it had the same jester outfit but instead it was blue, and it had yellow stars all around it, he had the same bells to and wore a sleeping cap. He shows up when the lights go out and it's nap time for the children.

Ever since that  he paid less attention to me.
To shoo me way, he gave me movies,  Barbies, and papers and crayons to entertain myself.

Eventually, I outgrown those things and for the first time ever, I decided to ask him something.
I asked for books. He was confused at first, but decided to give me them anyway. anything to leave him alone

He then created another animatronic. This time it was female and she was taller. she was completely different from his other previous creation. her name is Earth. she had this motherly personality, cause that's what shes programmed to do. She even spoke in this soft, calming voice. But I do love her. she would be the one to take care of me. Feeding me, read me stories, all that stuff like a mother would do.

I eventually started to be interested in magic After I came across this book from others that I read. I would read history of it, Watch movies that are related. I studied it at day and night.
And I was learning how to use it.

When I learn a few tricks, I would show them to Earth, and she would always be impressed. I even asked her to promise me not to tell my father and she said she won't.

Now I'm twelve and I'm packing my bag, with clothes and books. it's been months since Earth was created. I sighed before zipping it close and walked out of my room. today was the day that I leave this hella place thats called 'home'. I can't stand here anymore.
I won't be surprised if my dad never found out I was gone.

I pack my last few books and exit out of my room with my bag.
Alright now I have to say goodbye to Earth. I walked to her room and there she is, sitting on the her bed gracefully.

When she notice I walked in. She gave me a calm smile like always and got up from the bed.
"Hello Y/n" she greeted. Her voice is so soft and calm. "Hey Earth" I grin.
"How are you?"
"Oh I-actually I came down here to say goodbye"
I frown, looking down at the ground.
"Oh. Where you off to?"
I sighed then drop my bag on the ground and I ran to Earth to give her an embrace.

When I did, she was surprised at first but then hugged me back.
Though she was tall and I only reach to her torso and her arms can only wrap around my head.
It was still warm.
"Is there something wrong Y/n?" Even when she's concerned for me, she's still has that soft voice.
I moved out from the hug.
"I decided to leave. I don't wanna stay here anymore. I'm sick of being tested. I wanna find somewhere I cane have peace in paradise. Not here where my dad doesn't act like a dad!".
I'm sad that I had to say goodbye to Earth. Ever since she was created, she'd be the one to actually take care of me and talk me and listen to me. And I thank her for that.
"I'm gonna miss you Earth and I appreciate of what you did for me to the past months".
"Why you're welcome Y/n. And if something inside of you is telling you to go—"
She place her hand on my shoulder.
"Go. Don't stop till you get there"

I smile and nodded with pride. She removed her hand and I went to pick up my bag. I walked down in her room and then went downstairs to the lab. I felt really exciting walking to the exit but then I heard that familiar voice.

"Where do you think you're going?"

I frosted then look behind me. it was one of my dad's coworkers. He had a trash can for a head and the way he dressed it looked like he was homeless.

"Nowhere!" I said.
"Nowhere? it looks like you're about to leave"
"You know you're not allowed to go outside according to your father" he said.
I sighed and decided not to play stupid anymore.

"I don't care what he says I don't live here anymore!"
I open the door to leave but before I did, I looked back at him.
"I'm going with my own path, Im fed up being ignored, pretending I don't exist."
"This doesn't feel like a normal home. It feels like a lab. I mean it is a lab, but—I'm sick of being here!"

"You get ba-!"

I got outside and closed the door. Surprise it's raining. Not hard though but there was a lot of water. I felt myself about to be soaked so I pulled out my charm that I hid under my shirt. It was a clear sphere that had white line orbs circling around slowly. It also had sparkles.
I made to storage all my magic and I get to use it at will. It glows every time I use it without my dad finding out.

"Alright here I go"
I closed my and put out my hand to used my magic to teleport me to place that picture paradise.
I said.
When I teleported, I open my eyes. My vision was sort of blurry and I felt noxious. What I could make out, the sky is dark and there were trees that didn't have leaves.
I turned around to see a big mansion that seem to be the only bright here. I felt my body get heavy and then I passed out.

By the necklace on that aesthetic is how your charm looks like.

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