✩Chapter 11✩

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You were having a pleasant slumber in between the grass back at the old "Paradise" since you no longer live at Roxanne's anymore.
You transported all of your stuff from your room to here now.

Yeah, this is where you meant to be none at a pizzeria not with anyone just here , all by yourself.
Anyway, you were having a pleasant dream but then it turns to something more nightmare-ish.
You were walking into a black void and you can hear every step you take.
That's until you saw that orange light appear again.
You approached it closer and there you saw the same figure, that looked like sun, but it wasn't Sun. The thing started to do that pure laugh again, it echoed through the void, it sent you off your flight and you tried running away from the light, but the laughs didn't sound like it was going silent. Sounds like you were so close to it.

"Leave me alone, what do you want?!"
You yelled looking up at the figure.
The thing stop the laughing and just stared at you .
Then it said:

You woke up from the dream, breathing heavily.
Who, who was that?
When you get reminded of that thing, it bothers you.
And it said it wanted you? What could it possibly need you for?
You don't have time right now you have to get ready for work. yeah he still insisted on going to work. You can earn enough money to get yourself a place so you don't have to live out in this forest anymore.

You put on your uniform then teleported to Kmart. you entered inside and greeted the, again, no answer because there's no one here.
You've grown as you rubbed her eyes and got behind the couch register waiting a long time for a customer to come.

A few hours later, you herd someone coming your way.
You turn to see it was Gregory.
"Oh hey Gregory, how you doing?"
"Oh I'm doing well, day is going good, really good."

"We'll for me is another miserable day. What you here for? if you don't mind me asking."
"Oh nothing just wanted to ask something"
"Oh, what is it"

"It's true that you do have magic, huh?"
Your eyes widen the memory of Roxanne's wedding getting destroyed got back to you.
"Y-yeah, I do"
You scratched the back of your neck.
"Do you think you could show me a few tricks?"

Wait! I want to see what you can do? that's surprising. you thought he would be I don't know scared at least and would be scared of you, using magic.
"Wait, are you serious?"
"Of course I really want to see what you can do"

"Oh, okay."
You moved away from the cash register into a spot where there's plenty of space.
"What do you want to see first?"
"Whatever, just do something"

You looked around the store to see what you can move. A box of soda cans caught your attention.
You used psychokinesis to knock down the packs of sodas. you've had to be careful this time or else both of your heads will explode. You charm glowed then

The count in
Then boom! The Sotos were knocked over and knocked over another packs of sodas.
"Wow, really impressive. what else can you do?"
Gregory said.

"I can make things appear"
You spond a teddy bear in your hand hands.
"And disappear"
You made the teddy bear disappear in your hands.
"I can teleport"
You went from your spot to a top shelf around the store, and then spond back.

You blasted a couple of clothes.
"And the last thing I could do is an explosion, but I can't do it at will."
Gregory was pleased at everything.
"So you are the one with—magic?"
His voice suddenly got deep.

"Um, what happen to your voice, are you going through puberty?"
"No...this is my voice."
"Yeah, okay, you're creeping me out with that voice."
"Don't believe me?"
Gregory backed up starting to float bunch of dark colors of swirls and orbs circled around him.
He sees how you are, and started to laugh.
"Who are you?"
Whoever did this was was in green green and they had a magic too.

"I'm Phantom Freddy. I was told you're the one with the magic and I must destroy you."
"Who sent you?"
"By my acquaintance called Roxanne Wolf"
You froze.
"I borrowed Gregory's body for now."

The bear smirked.
"Seeing how your magic isn't fully developed, it would be much easier to destroy you."
The bear got his magic ready to rip you apart.

You started to panic thinking what you're gonna do. You thought of one thing it's to run. And that is what you did.
You got across different isles as the phantom was chasing as he was blasting his magic at you .

You got down, hiding away from this sight.
You cover your mouth so he would hear your breathing coming out of it.
"Y-/n, come out~"

You took a deep breath And came out then blasted your magic at him. but it didn't seem it did any damage.
"Damn it!"

Phantom laughed.
"You think that is gonna do anything?"
He lifts you up with his magic, and hits you to the ground.
"You can't defeat me, I am much more powerful, and you are nothing but a weakling."
those words echoed in your mind.
You breathe very heavily in fear then slowly to anger. You felt like something is going to explode inside you.

"I'm not" you said.
Your charm start to glow But it didn't glow red or your ordinary color. It glows in to this blue color.
"IM NOT!!" You yelled, making a massive explosion of magic. because the Phantom to fly back.

He was in shocked of what he saw. yes he knows you have magic but this magic.
"Star power" he said.
"How did you get it?"
You got up with your charm, still glowing.
"Get out!" You said.
Phantom was disappointed of his lost so he had no choice, but to leave.

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