✩Chapter 5✩

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You guys probably noticed that the chapters were changed. yeah, I change my mind about the plot of the story so here we are.

Song: Brutal by Olivia Rodrigo
(I can imagine this song playing at the beginning of this chapter)

Today was day. You were coming back to Roxy's house from school. This was the first day actually. It did not end up well. You can see the looks that kids gave you when you were introduce as the new student And any accident that happened to you get laughed at. Like one time at lunch, you lost control of your power and ended up, spilling the whole thing on you. there is a lot of pictures and recordings and memes of it. Even after school you can hear kids talk about you and giggle.

When you were walking back, stuff around you were getting knocked over by a force.
You sighed in annoyance, knowing that it's you have no control of your magic.
"Can you stop?!" You yelled in anger. but it kept happening and again making you even more angry.

You hissed and looked at your charm, which was glowing. "why are you GLOWING!" you stomp your foot then suddenly big red particles exploded from you and went across town, making a loud boom.

You gasped at what just happen. You walked back at the mansion in silence.

When you arrive, do you want to the kitchen to come across a big-surprise. A big sign that said, happy birthday hung on the roof. There was cake with light up candles and balloons tied to the table and chairs. "Huh?" you questioned.
You approached the table being more amazed, how good it looks.

"Happy birthday to you!" You herd voices started to sing behind you.
"Happy birthday to you happy birthday to Y/n"
You look to see Roxanne and Gregory.
"Happy birthday to you."

"Happy birthday Y/n, you're eighteen now, isn't that exciting?"
You nervously smiled.
"Heeey, yeah thanks. Um, I never expected this."

"What do you mean? We said we gonna do something for your birthday." Gregory said.
"Yea—also where's Freddy?" You asked, noticing he's not here.
"Oh I'm not sure. I told him about it, don't know what is he's not here."
You frown, feeling your heartbreak.

"Don't be sad, we'll still have fun. How about we have some cake then we can go somewhere you like."
Roxanne went to grab a knife.
You sat down and grab a plate, not wanting to avoid cake.

After, you requested on going to the mall. Roxanne told you you can get as many things as you want and she'll buy it for you.
She's really spoiling you rotten. You only had known her for a week and she's willing to give you it all.

She mostly likely could since she could afford a mansion.

You and Gregory were sitting by the water fountain talking while Roxy went to get food.
You guys chatted about your favorites thing and school, basic things. He even told you how he meet Freddy and Roxanne plus the other Glamrocks then...Sun and Moon?!
You could feel anger again.
That's until Gregory notice your charm glowing.
"Hey um, your necklace is glowing"
You looked at the charm, seeing it glowing.
"Not again" you thought

"How is it doing that?" Gregory asked.
"Oh Um...that's just how it works" you said.
"Oh so like a mood necklace?"
"Yeah pretty much"
Even though you tried to lie, you feel like thats actually the case. You tucked in the charm underneath your shirt to hide the glow.

Roxanne then called the both of you that she got the food. Gregory what is the first one to get up and run to. suddenly the water from the fountain started to grow bigger and splashed everywhere and on you.
This pissed you off and made you growl of annoyance. This made the water in the fountain to be worst as it made the water do spirals in the air. You stormed off to Roxanne and Gregory as the water chaos came to a stop.

You guys then went back the house and it was fresh and cool inside, making you flop on the couch.

When Roxy placed the bags on the table she notice how upset you are.
"What's the matter did you not have a good birthday? I know you're upset at Freddy not showing up, but I try to make the best day for you."
You sighed, the necklace wasn't glowing anymore.
"It's not that" you said.
"What is it? Did you have a good day at school?"
You started to get irritated.
"Same as the other days"

Roxanne thought about it for second then had an idea.
"How about we invite Freddy for dinner, yeah? we can also invite our two other friends, Monty and Chica so you can meet them. Maybe also Sun and Moon-"
"I DON'T WANT TO MEET THEM!" You shouted, making Roxanne and Gregory jump. your charm started to glow again. You you realize you just shouted at the two and covered your mouth in shocked. The both of them were shocked to. They never seen this side of you before.

"I'm sorry" you said, feeling the tears form in your eyes. The glowing slowly faded and you ran into your room that Roxy gave you.
"What's wrong with her?" Gregory asked.
"I don't know, she's been like this for the past week. I mean she hasn't been here that long. She still needs to get used to it. I bet she's been through a lot before." Roxy said.
"I guess" he then looked up at Roxy.

"Also does she know Sun and Moon. Cause when you asked her about them, she got mad."
"I-I don't know Gregory. I just know she needs time. Just give her it."

Gregory then thought about the charm.
"Also, that necklace she's wearing it's starts to glow every time she's mad or something"
"Oh, I noticed that too but we probably shouldn't bother her with that right now."
"I'm going to make dinner. Gregory can you get my phone? so I can call the gang."

Meanwhile, you were in your room, on your bed crying for the past 30 minutes. You felt very bad for yelling at Roxanne. she was just trying to make your day better and get you back on your feet, hell, she was trying to make sure you have a good 18th birthday!
You wiped your tears and got out of your room. you decide to go take a walk to clear out your mind. you feel like that would help.

"Roxanne! I'm going out!" You said before stepping out.
"Alright, i'll call you when dinner is ready"
She said. You then left, and decide to go to the pizzaplex.

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