✩Chapter 10✩

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Back at the daycare. you decide to give it another try. You'll never rest a until those two are dead.
They are the reason you're like this,
They're the reason why you are the way you are right now.

They took away your father's love and attention and even did the same with Roxanne.
Those two did nothing but ruin your life.

Why do they get to have all the happiness, why do they get to have all the joy and love?
You bet their life is so perfect.

"Uhh, I'm going to kill those f*ckers, once and for all" you grumble to yourself. You were at the entrance to the daycare, about to touch the handles, but stopped. "Moon"
"He's so....dreamy, no pun intended, he's just.....
Oh my god" you cover your face, then slapped yourself.

"Come on Y/n, that's his brother. They both ruin your life and they must pay."
You started to laugh as you touch the handles and pull the door, taking a peek inside. I it was all colorful bright still, it made you sick.
It was empty until you saw someone jumped off the balcony. It was moon, but he seem to be glowing.

You even heard Monty's voice from him.
When moon spoke, his voice sounded different. It wasn't rough deep like it always is, It's so soft and high-pitched, like a child's voice.

You heard the conversation and Monty called Moon lunar. You were confused. Lunar?
As you keep listening, they were talking about lunar is brother called eclipse! and that he doesn't care about him and sadly lunar knows it.

That sounded bad, but how can you feel bad? you don't know what's going on.
"Stay focus Y/n" you whisper to yourself. you quietly opened the door open and in sneaked right end, trying not to make a noise.

You took tiny steps as you stared at Moon but then you knocked off for some barrels that were stacked. It made you freeze in place.
"Hello?" Moon called.
"Oh shit!"

You saw coming out of his corner and going to where you're at. You quickly backed up to go to the exit, but you tripped. Moon spotted you on the floor but he didn't see your face.
You got on all fours and lift your head up.
In Moon's point of view you were doing it in slow motion as you sparkled and glowed in his eyes.

He's never seen something so beautiful and gorgeous. You were like diamonds, and shinny stars to him.
"Lunar is everything alright?" Monty asked on the other line.
"Uh yeah. Just some...girl"
"Monty?" You called out.
"Wait that voice sounds familiar" Monty said.
"Oh yeah it's her. How you doing?"
"Uhh I've been better ever since that whole incident with the wedding with Roxanne you know?"

"You're very pretty" what Monty call' lunar' said.
He's been staring at you kind of the whole time.
"Oh...thank you" you said. It was kind of random, but you accept the compliment.

"Thought you said you're going to leave what happened? Did you miss the place already?" Monty asked.
"Well yeah, I just came here to visit Sun and Moon and also who's Lunar?"
"I am" Lunar said.

You looked at him puzzled. Clearly, you're looking at Moon.
"Monty, this is clearly Moon, why does he sound like that?"
Monty sighed.
"It's not Moon, he's still there but this isn't Moon talking, it's Lunar."
Lunar smiled and gave a wave.

"I'm confused. I get the Moons not talking and it's "Lunar" part but how is he like this?"
You said.
"It's a long story but unless you want to know, I'll
Tell ya."

"Lunar!" Someone called.
You and Lunar looked to see that it's Eclipse.
"Y/n, come to gator golf, I'll explain everything to you."
Monty said before hanging up.
You spawned out of the daycare with no hesitation.

You spawned to the gator golf, meeting the green and swap aesthetic. You saw Monty standing there waiting for you.
"Monty!" You ran to him.
"Oh there you are" he said.

"So are you going to tell about that Lunar?"
"Oh yeah"
"Like there were good before, there's was nothing wrong with them even when they got separated"
You said.
Monty eyes widen.
"How do you know that?"
You froze. "Oh shot, well might as well tell him."
"Well, I actually know them"
"You've meet them already?"
"Actually I've been knowing them, since........
Never mind! Go on and explain."
Monty cleared his throat, even though he's an animatronic and his throat doesn't get dry.

"Well like you said, when they got separated, some of Moon's code got left in Sun, cause you know, they were one before and Moon had a Killcode. But some of that code that was it created Eclipse."
"You've seen him?" Monty asked.
"No but I've herd of him. Couple of times.
He was the one that put the chip in Roxanne's head!"
You said.
"Yep. For some reason he hates Roxanne."

Monty then continued.
"He also created Lunar, you know that one you just met earlier that's in Moon's body?"
You nodded.
"Yeah well, he's not a threat to us unlike Eclipse,
He's, he's good, he won't hurt you"
"Oh alright"
"Yeah and Eclipse is taking control of the Sun's body."

Your eyes wide. Could that Sun you saw at the wedding not be Sun and it's Eclipse.
"Alright, well thanks for the information Monty I uh... I'm gonna go now, sooo bye"
"See ya Y/n"
You teleported out of gator golf.

|With Roxanne wolf(well now shattered Roxanne)|

"Just this once, cause I'm worried about you, tell me the truth. What are you-what are you actually doing?" Gregory was concerned for Roxanne's well-being. ever since the whole incident at the wedding, she's not been herself lately and she's all shattered.

Roxanne sighed.
"Fine Gregory, do you really want to know?"
"Yes please I just want to know you're being safe"
Roxanne squat down to Gregory with a smirk.
"I am, I'm going...to summon a ghost"
Gregory Frozed.
"Okay, it was worth a try. I don't know why you're trying to play these games with me and think that I'm stupid but—"
"Well, I don't think you're stupid at all Gregory.
You'll see what I'm up to eventually. Don't worry."
Gregory frowned.
"Have fun Roxanne"
Roxanne lefted.

When she arrived she was really excited what she's about to do. luckily golden Freddy didn't notice that she stole the spell book from him and now she can use it to summon him. Phantom Freddy.

Roxanne open the book and started to say the words, then he appeared.
Roxanne gave herself an evil chuckle, proud of herself
"It worked"
Phantom Freddy awakens, who looks down at Roxanne.
"Well, hello there you must be infamous phantom Freddy. It is my honor to make me your acquaintance"

"Where am I?" the phantom bears spoke.
"Well, you're here at this....ritual spot, I found it on yelp and a hat on surprisingly good reviews"
Roxanne looked around. The room was lit up in green.
"And I can see why"
Phantom was puzzled.
"Yelp? I do not know yelp."

"Oh yes, forgot you're quite old"
She said.
"Where am I, who are you?!" Phantom asked again.
Roxanne smirked.
"I am Roxanne Wolf."

"Roxanne wolf" Phantom repeated to himself.
"You're in my summoning area?" She said.
"Summoning area" Phantom laughed.
"I brought you here with the spell because I need your help"
Roxanne looked at the bear with an evil grin.

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