✩Chapter 6✩

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When you arrived, the place was empty. Just as you expected, the parking lots were empty, so there shouldn't be any besides the animatronics, of course.

You were kind of lost and thought just thinking about your emotions of why does this keep happening and how to control it. You we're also whispering to yourself as walked, not looking where you were going. you thought and thought about it felt like this kept getting worst and it's really making you stress and harder to sleep at night, and when you do match to sleep, you rarely get any sweet, comfort dreams just a bunch of nightmares. You then bumped into someone.

From your view, it was green and yellow until you looked up to see an animatronic alligator with sunglasses and a mohawk.
"Ay! Ya lost there?" He he questioned, noticing you staring at him for a minute. He had a rough southern accent.

"Uh n-no I was just—thinking"
You shook your head.
"Yeah, sure, what are you doing here anyway? The place isn't open. Unless ya came back here cause ya left your child somewhere. Kind of irresponsible of ya, ya know?"

You stood silent for a bit then respond.
"Yeah—no, actually I was just walking by to clear my head you know? And I'm pretty much too young to have a kid."
"Are you a kid? Because I'm sure they have a kid at your age—"
"Actually I'm eighteen so I'm pretty much an adult."

You interrupted him.
"Alright, alright" he put his hands up in defense.
"We'll my name is Monty gator by the way, if ya probably already knew that."
"I don't" you said.
"Oh alright" he sounded a bit disappointed.
but then you realized. Monty. He was probably one of the friends Roxanne was talking about.

"Wait! Monty?"
"Uh yeah"
"Huh, Roxanne has mention you"
You crossed your arms, while giving a smirk.
"Oh really, ya know Roxanne?"
He gave the same smirk.
"Yep. I'm Y/n"
"We'll it's nice to meet you Y/n. I assume you're the one that Roxanne wants me to meet."

"I guess so and from what I'm seeing right now, you're pretty cool."
"Yeah, I can say the same thing about you too."

It was a moment of silence then you spoke again.
"How's your day been anyway?"
"Oh well I've been busy lately, right now just got back from the daycare." He said.
"Oh that's cool. Well, like I said before, I was just going for a walk to clear my mind."

"Had a pretty stressful day?"
"I guess you can say that"
You looked down at the ground and kicked the air a little.
"Well it was nice to meet you Monty. Hope we can see each other again." You began to leave.
"Yeah, I gotta go back to work too"
"See ya Monty" you waved then you left.
"See ya" he waved back.

You continue to walk up the stars but then your charm started to glow. you were confused until you noticed the entrance to the daycare. you must back downstairs just to make sure when you did, your charm stopped glowing.

You climbed up the stairs again where the daycare is and it glowed again.
Something about this charm is sensing some thing in the daycare
Perhaps the two attendants are there. You thought about it for the moment maybe you can try again.

The anger build up inside of you
You then teleported into the daycare, one top of one of those climb things.

There you saw Sun and Moon, chatting about something. Hearing them, Moon's voice sounded a bit different.
Like a child's voice.
You saw Sun leave Moon and went up to the balcony. This is your chance.

You followed him up the balcony but you listen to him on the other side and out of his sight.
You got your magic ready to strike at the perfect time and perfect moment.
But you were interrupted by Moon started to come to the balcony.

"Shit" you whispered and hid behind the slide.

After a few minutes, the two started to have a conversation, which you listened.
The conversation started to get a little off.
Sun's was saying that 'he' is trying and his voice suddenly got deep.
You quietly gasped as you listen to the conversation.

You were confused, but yeah, it was interesting.
They even mentioned Monty.
"Monty!" You said out loud. The two assistance seem to have heard. You gasped and quickly covered your mouth.
"Someones here" you herd 'Sun's' voice.
"Now let them in"
Their voices suddenly turned back to how they were before.

You herd Moon groan in pain, saying that his head hurts and Sun was checking on him.
You listen to more what they were saying, and you're heard someone's name being said. Eclipse.
"Eclipse?" You whispered to yourself, confused.

You eventually had enough listening to their conversation and just decide to go in for the kill and make it quick.

Why were you even listening? None of this apply to you.
You got your magic ready and sneaked up a bit.
Then blast!

Unfortunately, you missed. It went by them hitting the wall, knocking things down. The force made you lose your balance and you almost fell off the balcony, but you managed to grab on to it time.
"What the—"
The two went up to the window and saw you hanging from the balcony.
"Ahh Damn it!" You said. you used all of your strength to help yourself climb up.

"Wh-who are you?" Sun questioned, giving you a puzzled look but also shocked.
"Uhh?" You have no idea how to respond.
"Nobody!" You yelled and use your magic for telekinesis to push him back hard with force. It felt really good, you've been wanting to do it for a long time and finally you've done it.

"Stop it!" Moon grabbed both of your arms as you struggle to get him to let go but his grip became tighter. This made you stop trying.
"Listen, I don't know who you are but you leave him alone" his voice sound so much more rusty when it's deep. It sounded so intimidating but it didn't scare you, instead, it made you blush.

You even felt your face heat up when he pulled you closer when he told you that.
"I will hurt you much more worse than what you did to him."
After that, he pushed you off the balcony.
Luckily, you teleported away before you hit the ball pit.

Moon went over to his brother to check on him after being flung to the wall.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I think so?" Sun rubbed his head.
"Who even was that?"

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