✩Chapter 4✩

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Now the rest of the story will be a 2nd person point of view

|Two years later|

Every plan you came up with always ended up a fail. it's even harder when you get distracted by Moon's appearance.

You flopped on a rock, thinking about what you should do next. Your birthday is just right around the corner and you're going to be eighteen.
You're not really excited cause what is there to be? there's no way of celebrating it.
You  did before years ago, till eventually you realized there was no point.

You even stopped going to school ever since you left your dad's lab. Well should you really be calling him dad at this point?

Everything is a mess. Your hair is overgrown and messy and you're all filthy. But that never bothered you, you're too focused on the two daycare animatronics by envy.

But you soon calm down and try to relax then thought about someone. Golden Freddy, Freddy Fazbear, and Glamrock Freddy.
Those three came in mind. You can explain every single memory you had with them. They're fun and happy memories. Remembering them brought tears into your eyes but quickly wiped them away. even though you're away from them, you do check on them every single day from hiding spots. Couple of days ago it was Freddy's birthday and you would send him gifts, but you never wrote that it was from you.

You decided to teleport yourself anywhere because you were bored and ended up in a alleyway. You walked around the neighborhood, exploring the place until you came across an entrance of a parking lot, an empty parking lot.

Feeling tired, slid down on the ground, hugging your legs.

"Uh, are you okay Ms?" You heard a child's voice.
You looked up to see a boy looking down at you concerned. behind him, you see two animatronics a female wolf and...Glamrock Freddy!
"Um, yeah I'm fine" you replied.
The two animatronics came to where the boy was.
"Are you alright, what's your name?" Freddy ask, still not recognizing you yet.

You stood silent a bit before answering.
"Y/n, unfortunately I don't have a last name."
Freddy looked at you a bit closer then his widen.
"Wait, Y/n!?"
Freddy helped you up. "Oh my god, it's been a while since I saw you."
The wolf came to view.
"Oh dear, what happen to you?"
She asked, so concerned.

"Oh Y/n, this is Roxanne and Gregory " he pointed at the female wolf right next to him then down at the boy.
"Freddy you know her?" Gregory asked.
"Yeah, she lived with us for a couple of years to practice magic with my dad."

"So Y/n how you've been doing?" Freddy asked.
"Oh well, I found the place, 'Paradise'"
You scratched your scalp.
"Really how is it?"
"It's umm....great"
"Well I'm happy for you that you found somewhere you've always wanted to go and be happy."
"Yeah" You nervously smiled, not sure about the 'happy' part.

Freddy then notice your eyes all red and puffy.
"You been okay?" his voice sounding soft.
"Yeah, why you ask?" You lied.
"How about we get you all organize and serve you a good meal for dinner" Roxanne said.
"Don't worry I'll make sure you're all fresh and you'll feel so much better."

The three took you to Roxanne's mansion, where she gave you a bath, scrubbing all the filth off you, which took a long time. She gave you a haircut, did your make up and got you fresh pair of clothes.
Also, when she was giving you a bath, she noticed your charm and complemented it.
when you were done changing, you came out of the room to show them and Roxanne absolutely adored it.

After, everyone was at the table, eating a plate of spaghetti and having conversations. Mostly them, you were quiet throughout it. Roxanne was rambling about how her and Freddy are going to get married and planned on having lots of kids.
Freddy notices how down you look and barely touched your food.
"Hey kiddo, what's wrong, you're not hungry? spaghetti taste funny?"
You sighed then said.
"No it's fine, I'm just...."

"Oh what's wrong, what's been on your mind?"
Roxanne asked then you thought about it
"Well, it's my birthday soon there's that"
"Oh really, But why are you sad about that? You should be happy."

"Yeah but there's nothing or....no one to..."
You started to mumble.
"Oh you poor thing, how bout this?"
You looked up at Roxanne confused.
"You can stay here with us, we'll help you get back on your feet, how old are you?"
"I'm seventeen but gonna be eighteen."

"We'll help you get a job, go to school, and we'll do something for your birthday."
"R-really?" You said, all surprised.
Roxanne nodded.
"Yeah, we'll help you Y/n" Freddy smiled.
Do you highly doubt they'll do anything for your birthday but you decided to give them trust.

Roxanne collected her empty plate and Gregory's too to put them in the sink.
"She's really nice" you said.
"Yeah, well she wasn't like this before" Gregory said.
"What do you mean?" You looked at him confused.
"Cause she—"
"-Gregory let's not mention it" Freddy interrupted.
"It's not a good idea to tell her"
"Yeah, you're right"
You were confused of what they didn't want to tell you, but decide not to question it.

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