✩Chapter 17✩

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At the daycare, Moon decided to go to a portal in the ball pit, to see what would happen if eclipse won, and if he actually got the possession of the star. He clicked a few buttons on his arm to make it all set.
"Uh moon?" Sun called.
"Yeah" he turn over to him.
Sun was feeling a bit anxious about the whole thing.
"I still have to clear up a little bit. i'm just letting you know before you do the whole thing."

"Go, go hurry up" he turned back around and crossed his arms.
"You okay in there Lunar?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. where are we going" he asked

"Ahh, something for a video, there's gonna be some goblins and stuff like that in the world" Moon lied. Obviously not wanting to tell him about going to world where eclipse had taken the star

"What are goblins?" Lunar questioned. He didn't what they were. Moon tried his best to explain.
"Um, they're a little green, elf like creature things."
Moon then groan.
"What's wrong?" Lunar, Noticed.
"I don't feel right. continuously bouncing out this dimension" Moon said.
"We don't know what Eclipse is doing if he was still alive we don't know if he's dead."

"I know we're gonna find out what he would've done if he was still alive." Said Lunar.
"Hopefully, that's some thing I don't want to see. He's a lunatic."

"Yeah, a little bit" Lunar agreed.
"Sun come on!" Moon yelled.
"Alright, Alright" Sun said, as he he was picking up stuff.
"I gotta clean up so much stuff!"

"What is there to clean?!" Moon was in disbelief.

"Do you know how filthy you are?!" Asked Sun.

"What do you mean how filthy I am?"

"You're an organized mess"

"Correct. So why are you cleaning my stuff if I know stuff goes?"

Sun went silent for a minute.
"You know, that's fair"

Moon chuckled.

Sun then change the subject.
"So where are we going anyway?"

"Uh, something for a Minecraft video" Moon lied.
"Goblins stuff like that."

"Uh, okay. well, you first."
Moon then jumped in headfirst into the ball pit. As he did he felt his whole burn and glitch.
He then fell down to the ground and found himself in some sort of library.

"Where am I?" He questioned his surroundings.
"Where are we? There's a lot of books." Lunar spoke.
"Whatever you did you just fried a portion of my circuits ."

"I didn't do anything" said Lunar.
"Ah-huh, now explain to me why we are giant library." Moon begin to walk around, seeing dozens of shelves with books.
" I don't know I don't like this feeling." Lunar said.
"What feeling?"
"I don't know, I don't feel right."

While the two brothers were on the exploration. You, well the other you in this world, was just a room that you and Eclipse share in. You guys have a window door when you open it its balcony, and has a little chair, where you could just watch the outside.
You were sitting on the chair, just reading a book. but it was hard to concentrate on the words since you were getting a bit hungry. You have ordered Sun, who is the servant, to bring you some snacks. you don't know what it's take him so long and it's really getting you frustrated.

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