✩Chapter 16✩

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In the void again. whether there's nothing but silence, you could only hear the sound of your heartbeat, thudding every second.

That's until you opened your eyes. You're no longer in the void, you're now in the...daycare?
It looked exactly like it. The lights were on. Everything is the same, this really confused you.
Why were you here?
"Sun!? Moon?!" You called out.
You then spotted Moon standing in front of the ball pit, with his back facing you.
He stood there, not moving an inch. he would've thought he hurt you and turned around but then you thought about it, he didn't seem to like you. you did try to kill his brother off for all.

"Moon?!" You ran to him.
"Y/n" he said. he turned around to face you having a large grin on his face.
It did look kind of attractive and it made you blush.
"It's so nice to see you." He said.
"Moon, where—"
"—I'm not Moon..." his voice sound like it changed at the end.

It terrified you as you moved back a little bit, staring him down.
He then started to approach you slowly.
Your breathing started to become heavy.
"T-then who are you?"
He just laughed and kept on approaching.
"Who are you!" you yelled demanding for an answer.
You you missed a step and tripped, falling on your back.
Moon came to you with his eyes, glowing, bright red, and the whole atmosphere of the daycare started to fade into black.
"I'm the Killcode." then he lifted up his hand and jammed it into your stomach.

You screamed wide awake from your dream. you placed your hand on your stomach to make sure everything was in there, and you sighed in relief feeling that your stomach was perfectly fine, and no wound was there.

"Another day of work." you whined.
That did not distract you from the dream you had. Usually you would have dreams about that orange- sun figure but now this one is different.
It was Moon, but it wasn't Moon at all. It said it was a killcode.
But you didn't have time to think you had to get ready.

At work it's always the same thing you gotta wait for another 30 minutes for a customer to come and just be there in the silence and there's nobody but you working there.
You kind of feel irritated of all the things you're in right now. You have no choice but to work for Eclipse, and you have these dreams that supposedly means something.
"One day, I will have enough to afford an apartment." you said.

Your thoughts were cut off by hearing your phone ringing. you looked at the screen scene that it was Lunar calling.
"Hello." You picked up.
"Hey Y/n!" Hearing Lunar enthusiasm, really brighten up your mind.
"Do you wanna come over and play video games?"
"Um sure. Right after my shift."
"Alright, we're playing Minecraft, see ya." He hung up.

At least you have something to keep your mind off of things right now it's nice to hang out with Lunar.

After work, you said thank you to spirit that owns the store then teleport yourself into the daycare.
There waited Lunar by the computers, and it seemed that he had the game ready.
when Lunar saw you, he immediately hopped off the desk and ran to you.
"You're here, you're here, what's play now!"
He grabbed your arm and pulled you to the computers.
"Oh, I see you got it ready."
Lunar nodded.
Just looking at him reminded you of the dream you had earlier today.
"Sun come on!!" Lunar called out to his brother who is stacking up the barrels.

"Hold on, gotta make sure they're perfect and in the right order!" Sun said.
"Alright." He finished the last couple of barrels and came to the both of you.
Sun awkwardly waved at you.
"Hey Y/n."
"Hey." you waved back.
Sun looks at Lunar.
"what game are we playing again?"
"Minecraft!!" He yelled in excitement, as he ran to a computer.

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