✩Chapter 7✩

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Now playing - Brutus
By Buttres

Back home, Freddy, Chica and Monty came for dinner.
You guys were having steak with lettuce and mashed potatoes. Gregory wasn't a fan of vegetables so he ate everything else but the lettuce. "Gregory you have to eat you vegetables."
Roxanne said, sounding like a mother. Gregory kept refusing.

Dinner was a bit awkward at first, but someone decided to start a conversation and now nobody can't stop talking.
Chica seemed really cool, she complimented on your outfit and everything. She's really nice.
You were also happy that Freddie showed up. He did apologize for not showing up on your birthday but you told him it was fine and just happy that he was here for dinner.

"This is very nice Roxanne, thank you for inviting us" Chica sad.
"The steak is pretty good so as the rest" Freddy said.
"Thank you, I got some help from the kitchen" Roxanne looked at you and smile. You smiled back putting the glass of juice to your lips.

"No but it's really good" Freddy looked at the scooped up mashed potatoes on his fork, examining it.
"Like, some thing I have never had before."

Roxanne was bit confused. You on the other hand were hiding a smirk by stuffing so much of the food in your mouth.

"Yeah, it's like really good, to to good. I mean you've always cooked good food but this is tastes better than the other meals you've made."
Gregory said.
You know what he's talking about because when you were helping Roxy you did a little spell to put an extra ingredient in the foods to make it extremely delicious. Not that Roxy's cooking is horrible, her meals are really good but you wanted to add a lady's touch to the food.

"Yeah really good~" Chica moaned, putting the steak in her mouth. Your smirked switched to a confused look, everyone else did too, and looked at Chica.

She kept going with her susy sounds till you decided to speak to get everyone's minds off of it.
"Well! That was delicious. Thank you for dinner Roxanne." You got up then went to put your dishes in the sink.

Before you exit the kitchen, you herd Roxanne mention you, so you decided to listen.
"She's a really nice girl but she can be a little...enraged sometimes. But I think she just needs a bit more time that's all, I mean, when I first saw her at the parking lot, she looked like she's been through a hurricane. I don't know what she has gone through in the past but if it's anything horrible... I will try to get her over it."

"Has she screamed at you a lot? I know she does, but not really around that much you know?"
Freddy asked.
"Yes, plenty of times."
"We'll seein' that gal for the first time, she seemed cool."
Monty said.

"Well earlier today, we came home from the mall to shop for her birthday and she was all soaked with when we came home and she also seemed upset, so I try to cheer her up by asking if how's school was and everything."

"What did she say?" Freddy asked.
"Well, she replied with "good", but I didn't really think that was right because she was really upset so I asked her if she if she wanted to invite all of you for dinner and then right after I mentioned, Sun and Moon to come over, she yelled at me, saying she didn't want to meet them."

"O-oh" Chica said, mix of concerned, and pleasure meant  from the food.
"I don't know for sure, but it's like she knows them before from how she's was reacting but it might be not." Gregory said.

"I'm sure she just needs time just like you said Roxanne. she probably isn't used to this lifestyle and hast to get used to it that's all. soon she'll feel like home." Freddy said.

You felt horrible from their conversation about you. You walked to your room, that's was very dark and you didn't even bother to turn on the light. You flopped on your bed, just laying in the dark.

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