✩Chapter 15✩

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You teleported on front of Roxanne's front door.
You couldn't help but feel nervous. ever since that ident, you could never face Roxanne again, but she wants to talk to you and you wanna know what she has to say.
"Alright." You said to yourself, taking a deep breath in and out. You then knocked.
The dooropened, revealing Roxanne with a smile on her face.

"Oh Y/n, hey. it's nice to see you again."
She said, full of joy.
"Yeahh, um Freddy said you wanted to tell me something?"
"Oh yes! Come in." she moved out of the way, and opening the door a bit wider for you to come in.
When you entered in, it felt weird. Yes you've been here before couple of times in the past actually but it just feels weird after not coming here for so long. Everything is still the same.
Big ol place and nice things placed around.
"Would you like some water or anything to drink?" She offered.
You looked up her. you still felt a little and easy.
"N-no thank you." You sat on the couch and Roxanne sat on the other side from you.

"What are you going to tell me?" you asked again.
Her smile turned into a nervous frown.
"Well, ever since the whole incident that happened at the wedding. I wasn't myself even before the wedding. I wasn't myself. I had this chipped in my head that made me feel like a different person, and even after the incident I was out of my head, I summoned a ghost, with a spell that I stole from golden Freddy. His name is phantom Freddy, and not only did he took over Gregory's body. I also sent him after you."
You were in shock at the last part.
"I did some pretty terrible things, but then I got help and I got fixed. and I wanted to tell you Y/n that I'm really sorry."

Her whole confession just left you frozen.
"You were the best person to have around, you've always been. You were kind of like my second child. I would do anything to help you even if you were going through things."
When you found your voice you started to speak.
"It's okay Roxanne, I....I apologize too, I actually should be the one apologizing the most. I've been such a jerk to you when you were just trying to help me and make me feel like home and I don't think I was appreciating it. And about your wedding too it was your special day, you were going be very happy and I just destroyed it at the end."
Roxanne smiled.
"I forgive you as well Y/n."
You felt a smile creep up on your face. But if fade away when Roxanne mentions another topic.
" also, I heard that your school got shut down because there has been a report of a murder?"your eyes widen.
"Yeah, I also was shocked to find that out but it says it's only gonna be shut down for a month and it will open back up again."
"It'll open back up again I thought events like that they would just close the school down for good." You said.
"Yeah me too." Roxanne said.
There was silence until Roxanne decided to ask.
"Um, would you like to stay for dinner?"
You nodded.
"Yeah, sure."

That night after dinner at Roxanne's, you were heading to the pizza Plex, because lunar wanted to introduce you to Sun and Moon. He told you earlier today excited, yelling out of excitement on the phone saying that Eclipse is dead and you can come over.
When you teleported there, you see lunar, already waiting for you at the entrance, swinging his body around side to side with the smile on his face. It was kind of funny seeing him do that while he's in Moon's body because Moon as you can say, is pretty much the mean one. But that's what you kind of like about him.
you took a deep breath, before I the entrance store and opening it.
When he saw you, he immediately jumped.
"You're here!"

She grabbed your arm started and pulled you.
"Come on! Sun is at the daycare."
When you two got to the daycare, he let go of your arm.
He shouted.
"What!" The other voice shut back, which is Sun.
"Come meet my friend!"
"You know, my friend that I was telling you and Moon about, that I want you to meet?!"
"Oh—yeah, i'll be right there!"
You fiddle with your fingers filling your palms sweat.
"Moon, meet Y/n."
He started to groan as he placed a hand on his forehead, but it didn't sound like a lunar. It's Moon now.
"Ahh!" He then turned around and shocked when he looked at you.

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