✩Chapter 2✩

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I woke up to found myself in a room, laying on a bed. It was rather soft. The room was also quiet. The walls were covered in posters that every edgy kid has. Does the owner of this mansion have an edgy teenager or something. Anyway.
I was feeling great, no headaches or anything.
I got up from the bed to look around more.
The room is kind of dirty too. Stuff was all of the place. It's like this person's kid didn't bother cleaning or they didn't care to tell their kid to do so.

"Oh I see that you're wake. How are you feeling kid?"
Someone walked in. It was a bear but gold and he had empty black eye sockets with white orbs for pupils.
"Um, I feeling...fine?"
I touched my forehead.
"Oh well, that's good to hear. I found you outside knocked out"
I looked at him.
"Yeah. So I brought you in and put you in one of my sons's room since he's not really here a lot and I'm sure he would mind". He said.
"I helped you get your bag up too. You sure packed a lot of stuff in there cause it was heavy".

"Yeah sorry bout that" I said.
"Are you going somewhere?" He asked.
I sighed.
"Where exactly are you trying to go? if you don't mind me asking".
I looked at the window to outside, seeing the dark sky.
"A place I can call 'Paradise'"
"That's where I wanna go. And I can live happily ever after". I smiled

I then yawned. "We'll, looks like you should get some sleep. We'll talk in the morning"
He turned to leave but then stopped. "Oh! And I'm Golden Freddy by the way".
"I'm Y/n"
"Well , good night  Y/n" he closed the door as he left.
I lay back down on the bed and closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep.

The next day, I was in living room with Golden Freddy. He talked about his life with him and his family, sons, etc. I told him about me too.
I didn't really say much. All I said was I didn't feel cared about at my other home and I want to find a new one.

I brought out my bag and pulled out some books to show him.
When he looked at the books surprised.
"These are all books about magic. They're spells"
"Yeah and I've been studying it for a year now and I used it to teleport myself to the place I wanna go but it ended up taking me here" I said.
"I see"
"Do you have the hang of it?" He asked.
"Well, it's still hard"
"That could be dangerous especially for kids like your age. If you can't control it, it can go wrong". He the  notice my charm.

"I assume that necklace is where you stored all the magic".
I nodded. He got up and stretched.
"Say kid. Why don't I teach you more about magic. Would you like that?"
I smiled.

We were back at his nephew Glamrock Freddy's room. Apparently he said it was a good place to do it.
"Okay, now put your arm out" he said
I put my arm arm, diagonally.
"Don't do that! you're gonna knock yourself out again. Like this"
He comes over to fix my arm, putting it straight.
"Alright now try to imagine the place you want to go. Once you thought of it, keep that in your head and concentrate".

I listened and closed my eyes and thought of an image in my head. A place that is peaceful, filled with pastel colors, with lovely flowers growing. With the sun always shining.
Then I tried to teleport myself to that place.

I grind my teeth, trying so hard to teleport. I felt my whole body clinch.
I finally manage to do so but I ended up teleporting on the roof of the mansion.
"Did I...?"
I looked up and down to only see that I was in the same place.
I sighed in disappointment.
But I decide to try again. I put my arm out straight and imagine the place again.
I teleported again, but I was back in the room.

"It didn't work" I whined.
"It's alright, it's alright you just have to keep trying" he reassured.
"Not everyone gets the hang of it. Sometimes it will take years to get it".

Years! I thought. I wanted to know already.
After many attempts, and still failing I was getting tired and hungry. I haven't ate anything all day.
"Alright that's enough for today. We'll practice more tomorrow".

I was sweating and he gave a cup of water. I immediately chug the whole thing.
"showers are up stairs" he then walked to the kitchen. I went up stairs to grab clothes from my bag and went to the bathroom.

After the shower, I came downstairs to the kitchen, and sat down at one of the dining tables.
"Here you go" he placed a plate of food in front.
It didn't look nice, but it was food and I was hungry.
It was a steak with rice and salad on the side of it.
I cringed when I looked at the salad. I've never been a fan of it. so I ate everything off my plate besides that. I wiped my mouth after.
"Thank you" I said. I grab the plate and put it in the sink before going upstairs to get ready for bed.

It was quiet and peaceful. no sound to be heard.
I was floating as I arch my back, feeling the movement. I had my closed, my h/c hair now
f/c. For some reason I felt older and that people are watching me even though I can't tell because I'm closing my eyes, but I can feel it. I can even feel my necklace being lift up, but still hung around my neck.
All of a sudden, I felt strings tied around me with my arms to the sides, so I couldn't move them. I open my eyes wide, seeing an orange spot light shine on me then I saw a big giant figure, staring down at me laughing. It had this evil, hideous laugh. I screamed the panic trying to be set free but I couldn't.
I then felt my back arch more. The laughter stopped and The orange light disappeared and it was now a white-ish color. That thing shined in my eyes and I couldn't turn away from it, it felt so peaceful for some reason.

I woke up out of my dream panting as I sit up on my bed. I looked around the bed room that I'm in. It's still dark out. I can even see it out the window. But it's always dark I don't know how you can tell it's daytime or not. How does Golden know it's daytime? but I didn't think about it more. I laid back down on my bed, trying to rest again. I then thought about my dream.
"Who was that?" I whisper to myself. Why did I dream about that? It's really weird. My thoughts a bit went away as I felt myself drift off to sleep.

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