✩Chapter 18✩

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Eclipse sat in his chair, as he thought and thought with his hand on his chin. He wasn't so surprised when he saw Moon, he thought that this was this world moon that he killed wait before creating this world and that he always knew how to come back.
This can also be another enjoyment to kill him again. The Lord grinned at the thought.

He then felt a pair of arms on his shoulders softly, caressing it.
"Stress again?" The sound of your voice made him frown but then grin again, but it was a false one.
He grabbed both of your hands and slowly got up to look at you and removed your hands off his shoulders.

"No, I'm not." He said.
"Just someone that I'm going to enjoy to kill."
You gasped in excitement.
"I would love to join along." You went closer to him.
"Of course you do."

You two stared at each other's eyes before It was broken by hearing your two kids come in all soaked and left trails of water inside.

"You guys." you groan as you let go of Eclipse's hands. Your son guilty looked down at the ground while your daughter didn't break any eye contact with you and doesn't seem phased.
You wanted to scold them, but decide cut them some slack. He didn't feel like getting mad today. You just wanted to go kill whoever Eclipse had seen.

"You two, go get changed and stay in your room. Me and your dad are going out." You said, going to eclipse and placing both of your hands on his shoulder again, then gave a little grin.
The two kids walked away to their room. they took squeaking sounds could be heard because of the water.
You then went in front of Eclipse.
"Who is this person we're about see?"
"...Moon" he replied. He saw your face coming close to a realization.
"Moon?" your eyes didn't leave his.
Eclipse's hand made it's way to your charm and seem to be making it glow to its black color. he did it as his eyes never left yours.

"Yes, Moon." He said then moved his hand off of your charm. your face then changed back into a wicked grin. It's like you forgot what you realized a few seconds ago.

Moon was walking back to the palace after learning some information from Monty about the place and what happened to everyone else.
"I hate Eclipse" he sighed.
"Where are we going?" Lunar asked
"Home." Replied Moon.
"We have the chip why can't we just leave?" Lunar asked again.
"Well, we can't leave because Eclipse in this new world made only one jump point."
"That's stupid." Said Lunar.

"Yup." Moon agreed.
"Boy, this world is empty." Moon looked around the place seemed nothing but avoid..
"I don't like it, it feels really...devoid" Lunar added.
"Yeah, a little bit."
They eventually arrived at the front gate.
"All right it should just be through here."

When he open the gate, he happened to see Eclipse and you there.
"Ah crap" he mumbled.
"Is this why you let me scamper around for so long?!" He said as he was walking towards them.

"Could be." Said Eclipse.
"I'll admit, it's been a while since I put on the battle armor."
Moon glared at him with cold eyes.

"So you only made one jump point to this world, good for you."
You giggled at the animatronic.

"So what is it that you want?" Eclipse said.
"To leave" replied Moon, without hesitation.
"Aww, but we were just getting to the fun part." You said with a smirk.

"Don't lay to me, I always knew you had a back up." Eclipse to the Moon.
"Somewhere out there, ready to come back to kill me."
"You think?—Ha! i'm not your Moon idiot!" Laughed Moon.
"It's a shame. I am going to enjoy killing you." Eclipse did a wicked smiled and so did you.

Moon sighed, not even surprised.
"I should you would."
You then stepped in.
"Even if you're not "our Moon" we have no problem to take you out."

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