✩Chapter 8✩

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Here you are, the first day at work. The place you're working at is k.mart. It was a bit weird, it's quiet, there's barely any customers or employees.
You're pretty much here by yourself. But Freddy came.

Right now he's getting stuff for dinner tonight. He's going to be moving in with you guys cause you know, soon it's his and Roxanne's wedding. You were chosen to be the flower girl.

Freddy then came to the register and placed the stuff down for it to be scanned by you.
"Ohh, pasta?" You said.
"Yeah, Gregory requested it" he said.
"Alright" after you finished scanning you told him the price, and he gave you the exact.
"How's your first day going?" Freddy asked as you scan the items.

"Well, is all I can say" you responded.
"Well, it should be a bit easy not that much people come here a lot"
"Yeah, I can kind of see that."
You put the last item in the bag.
"See you tonight, Freddy" you said,
He took the bag and waved you a goodbye.
"See you tonight."

How you got this job was....pretty interesting?
It started when you were still searching for one, but you couldn't really find any. They either weren't hiring or you just felt like the positions wasn't for you. Until a mysterious figure, wearing a cloak offer you a job k.mart. You were weirded out, but accepted the offer cause you needed a job. When you did they were gone.
And nowww, you're here.

After hours had passed, it was time to go home.
You awkwardly got your stuff and walked out.
"Goodbye" you said to no one. you got into your car and drove back to Roxanne's house.

Few months later,

Today is the day, the official wedding of Roxanne and Freddy. You woke up nice and early to get ready and put on your dress that Roxanne and picked out for you.

The wedding will start soon and right now Freddy and Roxanne are getting ready.
You were with Roxanne in the dressing room.
she and My herself in the mirror with her dress on, can't stop saying how excited she is, and after the red wedding she's going to go on their honeymoon and try having kids.
You cringe at that part cause you didn't really have to know that.

"Chica's right, aren't you moving a bit too fast?" You said.
"I mean there's no problem if you want to have kids which I don't know how, considering you guys are animatronics but just like at least wait a couple of years before deciding truly if that's the choice you want."
Roxanne gave you a reassuring smile.
"Of course it is, I don't need extra time to think about it me and Freddy agreed."
"Are you sure Freddy also agrees, it most likely looks like you want the choice."

"Oh am sure Y/n."
I you still weren't sure. And you surely know that Freddy didn't agree to it.
You try to get him to tell Roxanne that he didn't want the choice but never did.
"I don't know" you mumbled.

"I'm gonna go find Gregory"
You got up and walked out of the room.

While walking through the hall, he started to hear a conversation going on in a room.
"It could mean Roxanne and Freddy probably caught into the plan, and Freddys forcibly trying to keep her that way...."
Other voice after the previous one, sounded like Gregory, which really caught your attention.
"We've been talking about this for weeks she wants this wedding to end as much as I do."

"What?!" You thought, what does Gregory mean.
You approach closer to the room that the conversation was in and there you spotted Gregory and....Sun?

"How long have you been talking to Baby about this whole thing?" Sun asked.
"Like a month or a little longer" Gregory said
"For a month?" Sun said.
"You know you should've involved me in that sooner might have been able to help you~"

You gave a glare. guess another thing you've learned, he has bad intentions. You're not going to let this wedding be ruined by nobody.
Roxanne has done so much for you for past months and the least you could do for her is let her be happy and have this special day that she always wanted.

Why would Gregory want this to be thrown all way?
He never seem to have a problem with it, but you guess he does.

You're surprised your charm spark at this, this is some thing alerting. it would do that with other situation is that didn't seem like a problem like when Roxanne announced she was going to get married to Freddy, your charm sparked.

"We wanted to get the chip out of Roxanne's head" Gregory said.
Chip out of Roxanne's head. what is going on they've never told you all of this.
You have so many questions.

That does it. You came out out from the dark
and confronted Sun and Gregory.
"Gregory what is going on?"
The boy jumped and slowly turned around.
"H-heyyy Y/n." he nervously said.

"Are you trying to stop this wedding?"
"N-n-no! I mean kind of but the reason is, Roxanne—"
"Has a chip in her head"

Sun looked at Y/n top to bottom then smirked.
"Oh, you've been caught" he said to Gregory.
"Look, Y/n don't tell Roxanne, i'll explain everything to you just don't tell Roxanne okay?"

You sighed
"Alright, but you have to tell me what's going on"
Gregory then left the room.
Before you could go with him, Sun spoke.
"Flower girl huh?"
You shot him a glare.
"I missed it once but I swear to you, I will kill you"
You then left the room.

"Really? Very feisty, I like it~"

Gregory led you to a different room, or he could tell you everything about what's going on.
"Okay" he said.
You sat down on the couch and listened.

"So in the beginning, Roxanne and I started a channel together and at that time she was very egoistic, and always focused on her self. That's how she always was. She could could be rude at times but that's how she is."

You nodded.
"But then she change out of nowhere, she started to act all kind like mother. It's nice but that isn't
Roxanne. Then we found out that a chip was put in her head by Eclipse."
You herd that name before by Sun.

"You probably don't know who that is huh?"
Gregory asked.
"Yeah" you nodded.
"We'll from what I herd, he's bad" he said.

"And I don't want this wedding to happen, cause we know me and Baby, who you also don't know."
"I do, I met her when I was with Freddy once."
"Alright, well me and Baby know this isn't a good idea."
"Is it also because she has a crush Freddy?"
You raised a brow.

"Oh shout! The wedding is gonna start and I have to be there early! See ya Gregory" You ran out the room.
"Alright! Yeah I have me too I have to meet up with Baby."

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