✩Chapter 13✩

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You're notebook is already covered with sketches than the notes you're supposed to write down from the lesson.
They're sketches from your dreams and you would see them all the time. The same figure.

You also sketched lunar to remember the good time you had with him couple days ago. It was kind of a bit weird to picture him, considering he is sharing the same body as a Moon. and you're sketching, the way you sketch as for Moon, except with happier expressions to tell them apart.
Lunar's the only person that hears out and actually want to listen to how you feel.

You look at your previous pages of sketches that you did. They're pictures of Sun(mostly) being tortured and brutally hurt and for Moon, well,
You drew him and yourself in different scenarios, romantic scenarios. Sometimes your imagination can go wild.

When you looked at them, you started to think.
Lunar really cares about them, as Lunar says, they're his new brothers.

You could get rid if f them and it can just be you and Lunar, No! You wouldn't do that.
You would never take a caring and nice person's
things out of their life.
But you still feel a bit envy towards Sun and Moon.

Maybe you'll go talk to him later today.

"Y/n!" You herd the teacher yell, cutting out of your thoughts.
You look straight at her.
"Were you even listening?"
The whole class was staring at you. Some of them were giggling. You felt very embarrassed.

"No, sorry Ms." You shook your head.
"You need to pay attention. We got a quiz next week, you need to be writing down the notes instead of drawing."
She said before going back to the lesson
You sighed then started to write down the notes as fast as you can to catch up.

After class was over, you were walking to your next period but stopped by your locker to get the books for the class.
As you grabbed your books, someone caught your eye. Up ahead the same nice, good-looking boy in the entire school. Derek is his name.

Al lot of girls in school would die for him, they're obsessed and crazy for him.
To be honest, you didn't feel that way like the rest. Yes he did look attractive, but you're just not in love with him.
The handsome male noticed you and came over to you with a smile on his.
You turned away awkwardly, continuing to stack up your books on in your arms.

"Hey Y/n" he greeted.
You turned to him in shock. How does he know your name, you guys haven't met. well, you did see each other couple of times especially in one class that you guys have together, but you two never had a conversation until now.
"Oh, hi" you greet him back, still a little shocked of why he's even talking to you. Not that you mind.
"How's your day going?" he leaned against the lockers.
"I'm—good." you felt very awkward.
"Um, why are you taking to me?"
Derek tilt his head.
"No that I mind, it's just everyone that thinks I'm weird weird and freak and they don't really want to talk to me or get near me."
Derek laughed.
"Yeah I know. But once I herd that, I was like"yeah she seems cool"."
You pleaded a grin.

Before he can say anything else, the bell rang.
"Oh shit! Gotta go." You closed your locker then ran as fast as you can to your class.
"Bye Derek!" You looked back to the male or then turned your head around again.
"Yeah bye" he smirked as he watched you leave.

You came to a stop, seeing your door to your next period. With everyone already in their classes, the halls are empty and quiet.
You started to walk to your door until someone pushed you on your side to the ground.
You heard giggles and looked up, seeing three girls looking down at you, thinking that it was hilarious pushing you to the ground really hard.
"Oh no I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" The girl in the middle teased, with a fake concerned face.
"Why don't you call your mommy? Oh wait." They then started to laugh.
"What about your dad? oh wait you don't have that either."
The other one said.
The girls laughed their asses off then turned around and walked away.
You looked at the girls in disgust before picking up your books.

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