✩Chapter 14✩

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"Lunar! Lunar!"
You called out, for the 30th time. Still nowhere to be found.
You almost gave up until you heard that familiar voice in front of you.
"Hey Y/n!"
You jumped a littles from Lunar suddenly appeared.

"Oh there you are." You sighed.
Lunar stand so presently.
"We're looking for me?" He tilt his head.
"Yeah, actually I was Um..." you fiddled with your fingers.
"Do wanna go somewhere....with me?"
Lunar's eyes widen.
"Go somewhere you?!"
You nodded and gave a little grin.
"Yeah, because I really want to keep my mind off of something right now and I would feel better just hanging around with you."
Lunar blushed. This is dream come true for him.
Spending time with his crush Is really, even because to get away from Eclipse, he has someone to hang out with me the only person besides Monty.

"Yeah, Yeah!" He hopped multiple times then stopped to think.
"Where we going?"
Y/n thought about it.
"Mmm we can go go to that little shop."
Lunar looked at you puzzled.
"Where is that at?."
"It—I'll take there."
You put your hands out, which he grabbed then you tell it ported the both of you to the in alleyway, which is in between the shop and another building. You let go of one hand, but still held the other and pulled Lunar at the entrance.
He looked up at the building in awe. You noticed his reaction and giggled.

"This is awesome!" He said. when you both went inside, he was amazed by it more.
"It's even awesome!!"
You giggled again.
"You wanna take a look around?"
You released his hand and the little guy scattered around to different aisles.

While he was having his fun, you looked around in your favorite aisle to see if there's anything that catches your eye.
"Wow! Look what I found."
You ran to the aisle where Lunar was at.
"What is it?" You looked to see that he was holding a piece of wood, which was one of those kind where the carve artwork on it.
"It's wood with words that I can't even read."
He said. You chuckled.
"I think it's Latin." He then showed you the words on the piece of wood.
It read:
"Cor est ubi omnia"
To him it was a bunch of letters, but you can actually read what it says.
"The heart is where everything is."
You read. Lunar was all surprised.

"You can read Latin?"
You nodded.
"Cool." he said before putting the wood back.
"Is there anything you want here?" you asked.
"Yep!" he ran to the other aisle, and came back in a flash with papers, scissors, coloring books, ribbons and stickers.
"Alright, let's pay for them." You both got in line.

After the shop, you guys went back on the roof, where you and Lunar hang out all the time.
You both look downed seeing the tall buildings, and feeling the breeze hit your faces.
You then turn to ask lunar.
"Are you hungry?"
He looked at you with the blank face.
"I don't get hungry."
You turned away fun so embarrassed for asking a stupid question.
"Right, sorry." you nervously laughed.

"It's—" he was interrupted by a call he was getting.
"Hold on" he went to the corner to answer.
As he was on the phone, you continue to watch from above.
When he was finished with the call, he came to you.
"Hey Y/n?"
You turned to him.
" I have to go Monty needs me."
"Oh alright."
"Before I do..."
Before he could finish, he watched as you just glowed there with the wind blowing your hair as you've had a smile on.
He shook his head to snap himself out.
"When all of this is over, you know when Eclipse is gone. Do wanna to come to the daycare? You can meet Sun and Moon!"

You froze.
"Um..." you try to think of what to respond you didn't want to meet them because of course you already know them and they already met you and saw how you try to kill them and if you see them again, it's just gonna be awkward but at the same time you don't want to say no to Lunar he is your friend after all, a friend that you've made, and probably first ever friend that stayed with you.
"Sure" you finally said.
Lunar jumped in excitement.
"Alright bye!" he then jumped off.

They gave you a heart attack every time, but you know he actually fall down to the ground, he climbs down from the building. You sighed, already feeling anxious.
You realize that your charm didn't glow at the thought of that. this is a bad situation that you're going to be in, why isn't it glowing?
Y/n still questions about her charm almost every day.

Few days later, and it's the day. You got up from the uncomfortable grass, thinking about whether you should go to school or not. you didn't go for a couple of days cause you were scared to go back. but then you realize, you left all the evidence just there and didn't clean it up. They probably already found the bodies already and who knows what happened to the school probably shut down. You decide to check up on it anyways.
So you did what you do every day get up, eat berries from the trees for breakfast, get washed up and get changed. Then you teleported and from the school to see that no one is outside. Just as you can expect.

You grab the handle to the door that opens inside the school, but it was shut so you teleport in the inside and the same thing as outside. It's empty you look in the windows at every classroom and they were empty even in the cafeteria a bunch of caution tape, and some dry blood inside of it.

You already know what was laid here, but the bodies of the girls weren't there anymore just traces of them with marker.
Yep, just as you can expect the school is closed.

You teleported out of the school then back to your 'home'. you sighed as you laid in the grass, thinking about what to do all day. You could go to the shop, get something to eat, go to the movies. It are so many things you could do.
Unexpectedly, you heard your phone ring into your surprise Freddy is calling. You forgot that you still have his number. It's been months since you last spoken to him. What could he possibly be calling you for? And why today out of all days before?

You picked up the phone and answered it anyway.
"Heyy Y/n, um it's been a while."
You could already sense the awkwardness.
"Surprise you're calling me." you said.
"Yeah, I actually called you for a reason."
You raised a brow.
"Which is?"
Freddy went silent for a bit, then said:
"It's Roxanne."
You sighed.
"Wait! I know I know. I'm not going to pick on you about what happened. She's fine."
He exclaimed.
"We got her fixed and she's in good condition now she was a bit out of her head before, ever since....you know. but she's all good now and she wants you to come by to her house, she wants to talk to you."

You took a second, before deciding to speak.
"You both still married?"
"Umm, she actually divorced me a couple months back."
"Mmh." is all you said you were not even surprised. You knew Roxanne and Freddy weren't a good couple to be matched together. with Roxanne being pushy into the relationship when Freddy seems like he's not ready for it or doesn't even want it says it all of course Roxanne wasn't thinking straight. She did have a chip put in her head by Eclipse.
"Alright I'll be there." you said before hanging up.

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