Chapter 1: Kitchen Warzone

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Recap: The four young adults (Capri, Brayden, Spencer, and Cain) went to the airport to get to know the other 16 contestants before travelling to the forest to meet the host Penny and the co-hosts Pax and Bryon. They set up the portal for them to go in but they turned into the object versions of themselves, causing them to like it, freaking out, and questioning themselves. Penny calls the contestants by their object names but instantly regrets it when Cain calls her by her object name. The contestants are in two teams which are for the next day so they can get to know the competition set better and spend time together.

That's what you missed.

The next morning

Pierce's POV

I woke up late and got up. I saw everyone in the cabin was gone. I felt confused as I went out of the cabin and saw everyone was waiting for me.

Pierce: Guys, sorry if I woke up late.

Marcel: Nah, that's fine, we're talking about what the challenge could be.

Capri: Hello guys!

Pierce: Oh hello!

Brayden: Not now Capri. We can spend time later.

Capri: Understandable.

Capri leaves and spends time with the girls who are on her team.

Spencer: Brayden, we shouldn't do that, plus she's in our team.

Brayden: Oh...

Pierce: Really Brayden? You can't just do that, even though you are in the same team, but you can't do that to one of your teammates.

Brayden: Sorry...

Pierce: Don't say sorry to me, say sorry to her.

Brayden went to look for Capri and saw Capri spending time with Priya, Peggy and Destiny.

Capri: So how exactly did you make an origami paper crane?

Destiny: It's quite simple, you have to focus and follow the steps I did.

Capri: Um alright then.

Capri follows the steps of Destiny as they try to make the origami paper crane.

Capri: Uh Destiny, I hate to ask, but why do we have to take extra care for the origami?

Destiny: It can help you focus and get over the steps that no one can. What is origami without taking extra care?

Capri: Oh.

Capri has succeeded in making an origami paper crane.

Destiny: See! I know you can do it!

Capri: Thanks.

Brayden: Capri, can I talk to you?

Capri: Oh uh sure-

Penny: It's time for a challenge!

Brayden: We can talk later, I'm sorry.

Capri: It's alright.

Everyone has gathered.

Penny: For the challenge, the challenge is Food War.

Bryon: I'll explain the rules.

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