Chapter 19 - Aftermath

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Capri's POV

I was at the park since Saylor and Marcel invited me to celebrate the fact that we're in the Top 3, so I invited Camila with her. They didn't mind since one of them also invited someone else from one of our cabins, where Marcel invited one of his friends, Warren, and Saylor invited Rosaria since she wanted to join, which he couldn't say no.

Camila: So how long do we wait?

Capri: They'll be here any minute now.

After a bit of waiting, we saw Marcel, Warren, Saylor, and Rosaria arrive at the park. I guess waiting wasn't that long since I wanted to have fun and celebrate together.

Marcel: Do we make it?

Capri: Yep! Where do we go first?

Rosaria: How about at the amusement park? We can make the most of it with memories.

Warren: You're right. This suits our day perfectly, plus there are plenty of options.

Saylor: What are you guys waiting for? Let's go!

We went to the amusement park together by walking, which didn't take that long.

After 10 minutes of walking, we arrived at the amusement park.

Rosaria: Looks like we're here. I can't wait to have fun with you guys!!

Marcel: I mean the competition will end soon, so yeah. We'll have fun while it lasts.

They split up into the rides, food court, and souvenirs.

Camila and I went to the food court where there was plenty of food that we could choose from.

Camila: So what food do you want?

Capri: How about cotton candy along with takoyaki? So we can enjoy the snacks and something sweet.

Camila: Alright dear.

We bought the takoyaki which has cheese or octopus inside it, along with the cotton candy which has the blended color of pink to purple.

We ate the food while talking about what to do next after.

Capri: So where do you want to go next?

Camila: How about the ferris wheel? I want to enjoy the view with you from up there.

Capri: Alright then.

We finished eating the food before going to the ferris wheel. When we were about to go inside the capsule, we saw Rosaria, who found us.

Rosaria: Oh hello you two! Can I join you two?

Capri: Sure, are you here to look at the view?

Rosaria: It's not just that, I got lost from the other three...

Capri: Ah shucks... it's okay, you won't get lost if you stay with us.

Rosaria: Alright then.

We went inside the car cable of the ferris wheel before it moved upwards.

We get to see the view of the entire amusement park.

Camila: *looks at the view* Woah... the view here is beautiful...

Capri: Just like you babe.

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