Bonus Chapter 6

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Brynn's POV

I woke up and grabbed the calendar from my nightstand. I look at the day, which is February 14.

Why do I get excited?

Oh yeah, it's Valentine's Day.

I looked at Cain, who was still sleeping and he was quite cute.

Looks like I can spend time with my love of my life since it's the day that I can make our relationship worth it.

I got up and put down the calendar before I wrote a note and left it on my nightstand.

I decided to give him a kiss before I plan on what to do for Valentine's Day by going to the city of Blahi.

End of Brynn's POV

Cain's POV

I woke up, and I noticed that Brynn was not beside me.

Where is Brynn? He should've told me about going anywhere today.

I looked around, and it had a hint of his whereabouts.

That's until I saw not just the calendar faced down but also a note.

I arranged the calendar and saw the day, which was Valentine's Day.

Then I read the note.

(Cain, if you want to have a surprise, follow the notes that I placed it around the city of Blahi.

- Brynn)

No wonder Brynn's planning how we celebrate it later.

I got on the bus to go to the city.

Pierce: So you're alone, huh?

Cain: Not again...

Pierce: Not happy to see me? Good. Because I would rather not greet you but disrespect you and Brynn.

Pierce: Oh wait, where's Brynn? I bet he's missing or probably dumped you before Valentine's Day.

Cain: Stop it...

Bus Driver: I have enough of this crazy spaghetti nonsense. Cain, wear your seatbelt.

I fastened my seatbelt before I felt that they were putting up speed while driving.

I saw Pierce fall off the seat and there was a mess on the floor with his spaghetti sauce.

Pierce: You little shit! You should've told me to fasten my seatbelt.

Bus Driver: If you don't stop being a prick to anyone or any couple that are gay, you have to clean your mess with your "real" hands.

Pierce: *le gasp* You motherfucker!

Bus Driver: Don't make me drive fast.

Pierce: Whatever.

I tried not to laugh at what Pierce had said.

Pierce: You're lucky that the bus driver is here. If it wasn't for them, you could've been dead to me.

Bus Driver: Ahem.

Pierce sighed as he went back to his seat to clean his mess.

I was waiting by looking at the view from the window beside me.

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