Chapter 9 - Mysterious Cause of Deaths

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Recap: In the previous chapter, the remaining contestants get to compete in the eighth challenge, which is presenting their own story by using their puppets. Striking Piledrivers has won, which breaks the Demolition Legends' winning streak, while Demolition Legends is up for elimination. Molly was eliminated by the tiebreaker by losing it to Marcel and Pierce, who are also in the tiebreaker since the three of them had 1 vote.

That's what you missed.

Rayna's POV

I woke up and everyone was awake and they were preparing themselves.

I'm not sure about whether I should prepare myself, but oh well, if I want to be there on time.

I decided to check if there were some things that I needed to bring for the next challenge. Turns out, I didn't need to bring anything except for the lucky charm that was given by my sister Beatrix before the time she was eliminated.

Guess I'll bring it with me since it meant a lot to me.

I went out and I guess it was on time as the others were chilling at the picnic table chatting about what challenge and other topics.

Rayna: So what did I miss?

Cain: You haven't missed anything yet. You're on time.

Rayna: Oh.

Capri: We have nothing to do other than have a chat with my friends here.

Rayna: Alright then.

I went to sit at a picnic table while waiting for the host to remind us if there was a challenge.

Then I saw Penny leaving two notes for each team for us to read.

Guess I have to read, since I'm not sure if it's for the challenge or not.

I went to another picnic table to read one of the notes that was related to my team.

Capri: So what does it say?

I read the note which was given by Penny.

(For those who are in the team Striking Piledrivers, go to the soccer field for the next challenge. This is for a good reason, so the other team won't snoop on what you're doing for the next challenge.

- Penny)

Rayna: Capri, should we look for the rest of our teammates before we go there? I'll be the one to show the note.

Capri: Are you going to stay here while I gather our teammates?

Rayna: Of course! Don't worry.

I watched Capri leave to look for her teammates before I stayed there to wait, which is fine.

End of Rayna's POV

After 5 minutes had passed by, Capri arrived at where Rayna was waiting with the remaining teammates.

Rayna: Is that everyone?

Capri: Yep, that's everyone.

The remaining contestants of Striking Piledrivers went to the exact location for the next challenge.

Pax is there waiting for them.

Pax: For your challenge, you have to look for the cause of death of this victim. Your time was over when you came to me at the picnic table with Bryon when you gave me the paper of your answer.

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