Chapter 16 - Aftermath

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Camila's POV

So Saylor and I are looking around the competition set since Penny told us to familiarize this whole place.

But I don't know where to start to be honest.

Camila: So where are we going?

Saylor: I think we should go to the cabins to ask for their guide.

Camila: That could work.

We decided to go to one of the cabins to ask for guidance since we didn't know where to start.

Looks like we arrived at the girl's cabin. Not gonna lie, it reminds me of a camping trip where we had to sleep in a different room from the boys. 

Which is quite understandable, since it's for a good reason. At least I get to be with Capri at that time during the trip, since we're more than childhood friends.

If I happened to find her again, I wish I wanted to spend time with her, just like the good times.

I knocked on the door and waited for the door to open.

Saylor: Um Camila, why are you spacing out earlier?

Camila: Uh... *looks away* about that...

I didn't continue to speak as we heard the door open.

Priya: Um who are you? And how did you get here?

Camila: Right... just say Penny decided to give us a chance to join the game, which has two spots for us to fight over.

Priya: Oh... right...

Saylor: So can we have a tour around the place? We're new here.

Pierce: Did somebody say new contestants?

Camila: Uh yep, we're the new contestants because we were recommended by the host along with the others.

Pierce: Hope all of you are straight because I hate gay people. (Except for ladies who are either straight or lesbians.)

Camila: (That's homophobic of him.)

Saylor: Dude, I'm straight, what do you mean?

Pierce: Good! Because if you are, I will not stop until I disrespect the gay people I see.

We witness Pierce going back to his cabin.

Saylor: That was weird.

Priya: Pierce is usually like this.

Camila: Can we start the tour?

Priya: Sure! Name's Priya. What are your names?

Camila: I'm Camila and this is Saylor.

We followed Priya while she went to the cafeteria.

Priya: This is where we have the food anytime you like. Except for past midnight, since Ollie would get hungry even if it was closed.

Saylor: Did he get the food with him before the cafeteria closed?

Priya: Yes.

Saylor: Then I'm glad that he's okay.

Priya: Back to the tour, then after this, you two will stay in your respective cabin.

Camila: Sure!

After a few minutes of having a tour around the competition set, we both went back to our respective cabins.

I went inside to see the girls who were chilling inside the cabin. Some are having a conversation, resting, and playing with UNO cards.

Capri: Um, who are you?

Camila: Hm? Oh, I'm Camila... nice to meet you.

Capri: Name's Capri.

Is Capri really her? I don't know if it's her, since we haven't gotten in touch with each other lately.

Capri: So why are you here?

Camila: So basically, Penny let me and Saylor join the game since we won against the other recommended characters.

Capri: But how? I swear that the portal is not working.

Camila: But it works when we go inside the portal. I don't know how we got here, since we were lost until Penny found us.

Capri: I see... for now, you can use this sleeping bag since I have nothing to do with it.

She gave me a sleeping bag which I decided to set up beside Capri's bed before I sat down.

Capri: And here's the spare pillow.

She also gave me a pillow, which was nice of her.

I decided to rest here since I have nothing to do other than get to know Capri.

End of Camila's POV

Meanwhile, with Saylor

Saylor's POV

I went inside the boy's cabin where I have to stay for now, since I have to get to know them.

Marcel: Who are you?

Pierce: A straight fellow!

Marcel: I'm asking for his name.

Saylor: I'm Saylor and I joined the game with Camila, who is in the girl's cabin.

Marcel: How did you join?

Saylor: Just say we both fought with the others to have the chance to join the game.

Marcel: I see. It's nice to meet you.

Saylor: It's nice to meet you as well. Also, I have a question.

Marcel: Go ahead ask away.

Saylor: Is Pierce usually like this when he reacts to gay people?

Marcel: Yep, as always. It happens to either Cain and Brynn, or Brayden and Spencer.

Saylor: What else does he hate?

Colton: He also hates transgender male or female, anyone who breaks the pasta, and many ways to piss off the Italian people. He kinda supports homophobic people, especially parents.

Colton: Also, do you know what makes him the weirdest?

Saylor: What?

Colton: He supports ladies, whether they're straight or lesbians.

Saylor: I can agree with that. Wait, what was your name?

Colton: Colton.

Saylor: It's nice to get to know each other. And what do we miss? And how many contestants remain in the game?

Marcel: Just say there are five contestants that are still in the game. I'm one of the five.

Saylor: So it makes us 7 remaining.

Marcel: Yeah... I'll rest for now, since I don't know what the next challenge is.

Saylor: Fair enough.

I went to an empty bed and I decided to sleep on it. Well, for now until it's over.

End of Saylor's POV

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