Hunter turns 21 july 2nd

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my room still had some boxes waiting to be unpacked in the floors. my bed consisted of a mattress on the floor, blankets, and pillows. i slowly sat up from my bed and stretched.

my brother had just moved into his first real house, it was small but it was better than his old apartment.

we didn't move far, we just moved closer to my brothers friends and stuff, which in a way was a little far considering i would be going to a new school, but i was happy. i tried to live with my brother when he lived in the apartment but it was insanely small. it was either that or live with my mother, who was a herion addict that was never around. that's why hunter moved as soon as he could, it didn't matter how shitty the place was he just wanted to get out. he wanted me out of there too but it was hard. we tried to keep the apartments address a secret from our mom but she eventually found out and there were a couple times where she would beg us for money or something along those lines.

today was hunters birthday, so i reached out to his girlfriend to help get a little something together. it wouldn't be much but jenna said she would go out and get a cake and a present for him. i asked her to get some guitar picks if she could so i could paint them and give it to him.

my brother had his own little band with his friends. they had a VERY small group of "fans", just enough so that they could go on small tours every once in awhile to give some extra cash. it was nice, i love all my brothers friends and i play with them sometimes. i like to play guitar and piano or keyboard or whatever you wanna call it and i sing sometimes when we play certain songs.

the new house was big to me but it was nice and comfy and i liked it. i got my own bedroom and bathroom and the water pressure was great when i took showers. my brother had already set up a whole room for music and band practice and all of that, it looked great. there were posters and photos all over the walls and amps next to tangled up guitar cables. it was really starting to feel like "home" to me.

i heard the doorbell ring so i threw on some shorts and lit a cigarette. i was happy to see jenna with a bag full of guitar picks and a cake. i loved jenna very much she was like a mother to me. i smiled at her and gave her a hug, making sure not to drop the cake.

"thank you, hunters still sleeping you can come and bring all of that in my room" i said grabbing her wrist. she smiled and followed me to my room. "i put up a few posters and stuff" i said showing her the photos of pj harvey and slowdive on my wall.

"it looks great" she said.

i grabbed the bag of guitar picks and went over to get my paint and pens. i didn't really think of myself as an artist but i liked to mess around with drawing and stuff sometimes. i took a drag of my cigarette and offered one to jenna. she took one and i handed her a lighter as i got up to play some music.

"wanna listen to anything in particular?" i asked her

"no you can choose"

i decided to put on some sonic youth before going back to start painting some guitar picks.

"i'm glad you guys finally moved" jenna said.

"so am i, it's quite nice over here too"

"it's okay"

i decided to paint some references to my brother's favorite bands and other things of the picks. i wrote the names of some bands like, the pixies, pavement, etc.

i heard the doorbell ring again.

"i'll get it" jenna said

i heard the voices of alex, kevin, and carmen at the door. then i heard them say good morning to my brother, even tho it was already almost one in the afternoon.

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