ice skating and then kevin

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after that night cal and i spent so much time together. it was like anytime we could see each other we would and i would come along with him and andre to do some of their filming stuff.

we were at andres house today.

"kim say hi to the camera" cal said pointing the camera at me

"hi camera" i smiled

"hey kim what do you think of cals braces coming off" andre said


"andre stop" cal laughed

"i didn't even know you had braces." i replied.

"it's just in my bottom teeth" he said

"lemme see"

"no" he laughed.

"andre get the camera" i said. andre did what i asked and took the camera from cal before i playfully attacked cal. "show me your braces!" i laughed. cal was laughing and andre was filming.

cal tripped over his own foot and fell into andres couch, which caused me to trip and fall ontop on him. cal and i looked at each other on the couch red in the face as andre continued to film us and laugh.

before i had any time to think about what i was doing i gently pulled cals lip down a little with my thumb to see his braces. when i realized what i was doing i let go, "your teeth look straight" i laughed and got off of him.

andre was sort of looking at me weird before he turned off the camera.

cal went off to use the bathroom and i guess andre decided to use this time really lay it on me.

"kim, i like you fine, but if you fuck up with cal i'll fucking kill you" he said

i was taken aback by this "what?" i replied.

"i don't care if you guys are just friends or whatever but you better not fuck him up" andre said

"what the hell are you talking about" i said, confused as how this seemed to come out of nowhere and before andre could say anything else cal was back.

before i went back home that night cal had told me he was getting his braces off the next day and said i should come.

"okay" i laughed as he walked me home.

"i don't know, andres coming and you've been you know hanging around and stuff i thought you should come too" he laughed and looked down.

"no yea that's cool." i said.

it was quiet for awhile before i remember our hands touching like they had touched awhile ago. this time it was cal who intertwined our fingers. i looked at him and smiled as we walked to my house with out hands together.

when we are at my house i look at cal and sighed. i didn't want to leave him and i don't think he wants me to leave him either.

before i go inside i slowly lean closer to him and stumble over to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

i slowly back away and chuckle as i feel the blood rushing to my face as i get flustered. when i look up at cal i see him more red in the face than i ever imagined. he is blushing and smiling and it almost makes me want to go up and kiss him again but i don't. i cover my face with my hands and almost giggle before i stop myself

"goodnight cal" i say.

"goodnight" he says with his hand on his neck looking at the ground.

𝑟iɖ о⨍ 𝓂ᥱ - cal gabrielWhere stories live. Discover now