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after that night cal and i spent as much time with each other as we could. it was halloween tomorrow. every halloween hunter and jenna host a big party and play a ton of music. kevin normally gets really excited about this and a part of me wondered if he was going to show up.

i ended up telling alex about kevin first. i told her about the relapsing and the whole being in love worth me thing. i was crying and alex hugged me and said he was sorry. he told me he would be with me while i told hunter and carmen about it. i knew i had to tell them because they were already really worried about kevin, sometimes he kind of disappears but not for this long. as i told them alex was by my side and hunter cried when i told him about the relapse. he said he knew something was wrong and he knew he should have asked. and then he cried harder when i told him about the other stuff. carmen just seemed to be in shock. the both hugged me and said sorry. i saw cal later that day and we got tea and talked about halloween.

as the day got closer and closer i began to get my costume together. i decided i was going to be cher from clueless. i went blonde a month ago and felt the need to stick with a blonde character.

i went thrifting for a yellow cardigan and shoes. carmen basically the exact yellow plaid blazer cher had in the movie. cal was going as brian johnson from the breakfast club. it was an easy costume but it was cool. 

the morning of halloween was always very fun, at least with hunter. i wake up to music, this morning it was tugboat by galaxie 500. carmen is making apple cider and redying her hair, jenna is doing hunters makeup and alex is also redying his hair. 

alex walked up behind carmen right when she turned around. they bumped into each other and blushed. 

"oh sorry" carmen said 

"oh its okay" alex replied

they were looking at each other like two people in love. 

carmen saw me and handed me a cup of apple cider. "Good morning i was gonna come to your room to give this to you" she said while passing me to go to my room. i followed her and closed me door. i looked at her with wide eyes.

"did you guys fuck?" i asked

"what?! who?! me?! and alex?! no!" carmen said fast


carmen sighed and looked at me with a small smile

"you guys totally fucked"

"it was nothing-"

"so you did fuck! i knew it!" 

"no- kim you dont understand it was nothing-"

"uhhh yeah i understand carmen! alex has been borderline in love with you for probably like a year now!" i said

"what?" she said

"yeah! i mean damn it took you guys forever to fuck"


"i mean its like you guys didnt even notice how obsessed you were with each other. i mean me and hunter have basically made bets on when you guys would finally pour your hearts out-"

"KIM!" carmen yelled with her finger on her lips "shh, damn"


"we didnt- we just had a moment and we kissed and then it got... heated so to speak"

"good for you goddamn" i said taking a long sip of the apple cider. "i forgot how good this shit was" i said after taking a sip.


"kim!" jenna said


"come here for a sec" she said. i walked into the music room where she was and sat down

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