another stupid party

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it was july 17th and the weather was horrid. it was hot, i hated the heat. my brother had told me to go outside, as in, he wanted to fuck his girlfriend without me around. i didn't want to be around for him to fuck his girlfriend either so i left.

it was sunny and annoying but i just tried to make my way down the sidewalk and hope to bump into some interesting people. i had music blasting in my ears as i made my way to a cemetery with trees blocking the sun. i went over to go sit next to one of the stones. the stone i was next to belonged to someone named Esme Trechen

Esme Trechen
April 21st 1978-November 17th 1994

i thought about how esmes life might have gone for awhile before i heard someone walking around the cemetary. when i looked up to see who it was i recognised cal, i think he saw me as well and smiled. i smiled back. cal walked up to another gravestone with a notebook, i didnt wanna be alone but i also didnt want to bother him if he was doing something.

i mustered up the courage to go over there and at least say hi.

"oh hi," he smiled widely

"i dont want to bother you-" i said

"no its okay you. can sit if you want im not doing anything" he responded

"okay," i smiled as i sat down, "what are you writing" i asked

"oh nothing really i just bring this so i can do something when im out here"

"do you come here a lot?" i asked

"kind of yeah" he said shyly

"thats really cool, its really nice out here" i said

"yeah," he smiled. there was a small pause before he asked another question, "what are you listening too?"

"oh uhm, cocteau twins" i said

"can i listen..." he asked, almost like he was too scared to ask

"of course"i smiled as i handed him and earbud

we spent awhile just listening to music and talking about things together as i watched him write in his jorunal.

"so what are you doing today?" he asked me

"oh nothing, i was just going to sit inside all day but my brother wanted to fuck his girlfriend in peace so i left" i sighed

cal laughed.

i realized that it had been so long i could most defiently go home... but now that i was with cal, i didnt want to leave. i wanted to be with him longer. i had never really felt like this with anyone other than my brother and my brothers friends, and even then it was mainly only him and jenna i wanted to be with. but i really didnt want this day to end, i wanted to talk to cal all day.

"wanna walk around?" i asked

cal looked at me dead in the eyes for a seound before answering with a quiet "sure"

we got up and cal showed me around the new neigherborhood i was to live in for god knows how long. we talked about music and i thought that maybe at one point he was going to try and hold my hand, but it didn't happen.

"so what are you doing today?" i asked

"Oh well it's my friend andres birthday and he wanted me to come to some party at his cousins" he said looking at his feet. "i don't really like the kind of parties his cousin is throwing, you know like those oddly crowded ones with lots of random dumbass people you either don't know or don't like?"

"yeah" i laughed a little

suddenly cal looked like he just had a lightbulb moment, "maybe you could come with me" he said before looking back down at his feet again, "i mean if you can or if you want to or something" he said

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