cals house

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starting from last chapter

when cal and i stopped laughing i saw him seemingly blush slightly "do you wanna shirt to wear?" he asked looking down at the ground.

i blushed just as much as him and said: "yeah"

he dug through his dresser and gave me a smiths t-shirt. he looked at me and i slowly turned around to take my tank top off and throw on the shirt he gave me. underneathe the skirt i had on i was also wearing shorts, so i took off my skirt. i knew cal was staring at me.

when i turned back around i saw cals bare back as he threw on a different t shirt. i blushed to myself, imagining what he looked like from the front before cal turned around and caught me looking.

"sorry" i said looking away

"it's fine" cal said in a shy tone

i sat on cals bed before he did the same.

"you can get comfortable you know" cal said. i was just sitting on the edge of his bed like a mannequin. i was waiting for directions on what to do, is never been to val's house what if i do something wrong?

i smiled and slowly started leaning back on the bed, getting comfortable.

as i laid there next to cal i couldn't help but want to hug him. he was always there for me, he cared... he really cared and i don't think i've ever had someone like that in my life before, he always noticed if things were wrong and no one has been as good at recognizing that than he has.

i turned my head to look at cal, he was already looking at me. i smiled and looked into his eyes. i couldn't keep myself from not looking down at his lips, i wanted to kiss him so bad. the few times we had kissed had been magical. i just wanted hike to kiss me.

it felt as if he could read my mind and took the initiative to break the space between us and connect our lips.

i wrapped my hands around is neck while pulling him closer and deepening the kiss.

we pulled away for a breath of air and looked at each other. cals hand was resting on my hip and his thumb was slowly moving over my skin. i kissed him again, this time deeper and more passionate. i tugged on his hair and heard him groan into the kiss. i smiled a little and began slowly moving my legs on either side of him, propping myself in top.

cal sat up and leaned against the head board as i pulled him closer. i tugged on his hair a bit harder this time and he groaned louder. i smiled and unintentionally moved my hips around. cal kept groaning until i realized what i was doing.

"sorry" i whispered

"no- it's great- don't be sorry" he blushed.

i smiled at him before kissing him again. i continued to move my hips. i was getting friction from moving on cals lap and it felt perfect. it felt like nothing ever before.

his hands were on my waist very subtly guiding my movements. i couldn't help but sigh when i moved to just a perfect spot.

cal pulled away "are you okay"

i smirked and nodded before slowly taking off the top cal had just given to me. i was in my bra and thin shorts... making out with what felt like the guy of my dreams.

cal stared at me for a bit before kissing my again. he had one hand if my waist and the other on my side, near my bra. as we continued to kiss passionately i slowly moved his hand over my bra and kissed him harder. he groaned and squeezed my breast.

my hands were on both sides of his face while pulling him close. cal slowly moved his kisses away from my mouth and to my neck. it made me shiver when he began to kiss down my collar bone. when he pulled away from my neck he stared for a minute.

𝑟iɖ о⨍ 𝓂ᥱ - cal gabrielWhere stories live. Discover now