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*sexual themes in this chapter. this is the only warning

cal had a new year's eve party planned. when i told him about kevin he told me he wouldn't go if he didn't want me to.

"no cal you have to go... i'll come with you" i smiled.


"no i want to" i smiled. i was only telling half of the truth.

i was at cals house for most of the day before i went back home to get ready for this party. when i got there, no one was home.

"hunter??" i yelled

there was nothing. i tried not to think to hard about it or i would have gotten really worried, and all i wanted to do was get ready for this damn party.

i found something to wear, not that special but i was happy with myself for at least putting some effort into it.

i found something to wear, not that special but i was happy with myself for at least putting some effort into it

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i lit a cigarette and started walking back to cals house. it was lightly snowing when i walked outside. i smiled to myself. i loved the snow.

i was early to cals, but his parents let me inside anyways. cal and i went down to the basement, where the party was going to be held.

"this party is gonna be lame... it's just going to be some of my parents friends and andre" cal said with his hand behind his head messing with his hair.

"that's okay, i don't like parties much anyway"

as people began to show up the "party" slowly began to start. i sat alone on the couch for a bit while cal and andre seemed to be having some important conversation. i tired not to overthink it.

"hey" someone said to me. i looked up and saw a guy with brown hair, an eyebrow piercing and brown eyes sit next to me. "i'm chris" he smiled.

"kim" i mumbled.

"kim?" he repeated.

i nodded.

"are you alright?" he asked. i looked at him, he seemed to really care about my answer.

i nodded.

"you have pretty eyes"

i blushed slightly, "thanks"

he began to get closer to me. i wasn't uncomfortable i was just confused. everything was getting to my head and i felt out of control.

i heard someone call my name from a different side of the room, it was cal.

"i should go" i said to the guy next to me.

"why? can i at least get your number first?"

"no" i said getting up

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