cry, cry, cry

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a couple of days later cal went on a short camping trip with his family. when he got back, school was about to start.

the first day of school was just like how you would think. stupid people saying stupid things to you, or youre stupid and saying stupid stuff to people you think are stupid.

i had earbuds in the whole day, unless someone tried talking to me. 

i had 2 classes with cal and 1 with andre. it was kind of nice though, i had cal for my first period and last period of the day. andre was in my second to last class of the day. 

i didnt know how often cal and andre got bullied until i walked into that school. i wasnt even with them in the morning, but i watched as people seemed to mock them and just overall be assholes. i got up to try and talk to them both, trying to draw the attention elsewhere but then all of the people yelling started calling me a whore. "i didnt know they had a whore" someone said

"sorry i dont wanna fuck you bastards!" i scoffed and directed andre and cal out of the crowd of people laughing. 

"sorry-" cal tried to say

"it doesnt matter, my own parents have called me a whore, and worse" i laughed. there was a pause, "okay im gonna go now" i said walking away slowly. cal looked like he might say something, but andre cut him off by talking about "ruining" those assholes' lives.


normally when im in school i dont talk a lot. even if i have friends, im just mainly quiet because im to tired to spend any energy talking to someone unless i have to. so i normally just sit and try not to fall asleep for 7 hours. that was until last period. that was the period where me and cal talked a ton and shared a lot of ideas. 

it was our English class. the English teacher was nice and a lot of times we did a lot of discussing type things, and thats when me and cal would talk a lot. we would keep on talking until we had to get in different cars, or go two different ways while walking home. 

talking to cal at school like this really made me realize how much cal and i have in common. we were a perfect fit for each other. 


it was a friday after school and i had just gotten out of a shower before my phone rang. not the home phone, my phone. it was kevin.

i hadnt heard from kevin directly since that night, but i guess he told hunter and everyone else he was visiting family and that he was sorry he didnt tell anyone sooner. i knew that was a lie, and i know i should have told someone about kevin relapsing and being in love with me and shit, but i just didnt have the balls to talk about it to anyone. 

i didnt want to pick up the phone, but i couldnt just not answer it. so i picked up "hello?" i said 

"kim" kevin said over the phone

"what" i asked, pretending like nothing ever happened.

"can we talk please" he said

"um... i might have plans-"

"kim i know you dont have plans, can you just meet me outside in 5"



"fine" i said before hanging up.

i got dressed and walked outside before seeing kevins car roll up by the house. i was scared to get in that car but i felt like i had no choice, so i did. 

"where are we going" i asked

"i dont know, just not parked right in front of the house"

i forgot how chilling his voice was ever since that night. every time he spoke i got chills, and not the good kind. it was an unexplainable feeling because i once loved him, but not the way he loved me, and i want him to get better but he was also in love with me and i felt so stuck.

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