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i woke up the next day to hunters voice.


i rubbed my eyes and got up opening my door only to see cal at the end of the hallway. he looked at me. i had only a tank top and some underwear on.

"hold on one sec" i smiled. i closed my door and let out a big sigh before finding some shorts and putting them on. i opened my door again and welcomed him in.

"so andre wants to pick us up in a couple of hours probably" cal said

"what? for what? i just woke up"

"that party shit he was being all uptight about yesterday" cal said messing around with a switch on his camera, "it's like almost 4 by the way."

"shit- okay" i got up slowly. i put on an old button-down sweater and some shoes looking down at cal. "well come on now, he have to pass the time somehow"

"oh okay" cal got up and followed me.

cal and i walked down a trail through the woods and talked while cal filmed it on his camera.

"we should go to new york" i said looking at cal.

"what?" cal chuckled

"yeah. we should go to new york"


"psh, not now, but we should go to new york it's not to fair we can get a train there probably"

"do trains even exist anymore?"

"yes calvin! they still exist the fuck?" i laughed

"i thought they were only a british thing now"

"cal, oh my god" i said. the camera we still in my face. i smiled and gave a thumbs up to the camera

"why do you wanna go to new york?"

"i wanna get outta here cal, i don't know." i paused, "you know i like you i think we should go to new york!" i smiled

"you like me?" cal said slowly

my heart was beating fast, i knew i must be blushing, "yeah you're like the coolest person i've met, the coolest friend i've ever had maybe other than alex and he doesn't really count" i said

"oh" cal paused, "alex is pretty cool" he said brushing off the topic of 'liking' one another.

"he's an idiot but i love him" i said

before i knew it it was 6 and i had to get ready for this dumbass party.

"you can pick out some music to play" i said once we got back to my room.

"okay" he said picking out the stone roses self titled record and playing it.

i wanna be adored starts playing and i hum along with the song as i look at some clothes.

i didn't do anything crazy with my look. i just wore and red take too and a long black skirt.

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