'cuddling' - Bill Kaulitz

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*Bills pov*

My eyes flutter open as i begin to yawn, I look to my side to see if my girlfriend, Y/N, was still in bed but she wasnt there so i assumed she was already up.
I rub my eyes and go to get up but feel weight on my waist, I look down to see my girlfriend sleeping on my stomach with her arms wrapped tightly around my waist. 'Shes so cute' i smile to myself before i lean down and kiss her forehead,

"wake up love..." i say sweetly as i softly stroke her cheek causing her to wake up. At first she groans as she nuzzles her head into me more, its so adorable, but then she begins to wake up properly after a few seconds.

*End of Bills pov*

As i slowly open my eyes, groaning, i hear my boyfriends sweet voice.

"good morning meine liebe" bill says softly, i love it when he calls me that.

"good morning babe.." i say tiredly before rubbing my eyes and rising from his waist, i didnt want to wake up yet but atleast i get to see bills handsome face and hear his sweet, gentle voice.

"i know your tired love so how about we stay in bed and cuddle for a bit before getting up?" bill says to me in that innocent tone, i immediately smile and crawl next to bill. I give him a gentle kiss before resting my head on his chest as my arm wraps around his torso and my legs lay ontop of his, he wraps an arm around my shoulder and his other arm around my waist.

We cuddle like this for what feels like hours but was only 37 minutes before he speaks up,

"we should probably get up now love, i have an interview in 2 hours" Bill whispers to me softly, i groan and nuzzle into him more.

"cant we just stay like this, in each other's arms all comfy forever...i dont wanna stop cuddling just yet.." i whisper back to him softly as i yawn quietly.

bill sighs before kissing my forehead,
"only 10 more minutes, okay? then i have to get up" he chuckles quietly
"i wish we could stay like this forever aswell, meine liebe.... I love you" Bill says sweetly. I smile and blush slightly before i respond back softly,

"i love you to bill"

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