'wait for me' (Bill Kaulitz)

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Bill was my best friend, Our friendship was perfect. We had so many things in common, We had the same humor and we never ever argued. Over time i started catching feelings for bill but i would never tell him that because im scared he wont feel the same way and it will ruin our friendship, so for now i have to push those feelings for bill away.

It was finally summer and school was over, Me and Bill had decided to spend the entire summer together because we always do. I knocked on his door a couple times before it swung open and revealed bill smiling widely at me, I walked inside and he immediately engulfed me into a tight hug.

"Im so happy your finally here N/N!" He said happily as he slowly rocked us both side to side, After we finally pulled away from eachothers arms he took my bag and smiled at me softly. We both headed upstairs into his room and i jumped onto his bed while he set down my bag, Soon after he jumped onto his bed next to me. I turn my head to him and smile,

"I have a surprise for you" I say as i sit up on my knees, I watch as Bill looks at ne with a small smile and raised eyebrows.

"Whats the surpri-" He begins but i immediately straddle his stomach and tickle him, He bursts into loud giggles as he thrashes around underneath me.
I chuckle to myself and continue tickling him,

"Ahhaha Y/N!! pleaseee im gonna piss myself!" He yells between laughs which makes me finally stop,

"Okay Okay, Ill stop" I giggled as i tucked my hair behind my ears, Bill slowly stopped laughing as he looked up at me with a smile. I locked eyes with him as i was still sitting ontop of his stomach, I began to blush and flashed him a small smile. I was in a daze as me and bill stayed there staring at each other, His hands gripped onto my hips without either of us really noticing. In a matter of seconds we leaned close to each other with our faces now being inches apart, Suddenly the door whipped open and i immediately snapped out of my daze as i scrambled off of bill which made me fall off of his bed,

"Bill im hungry" A low voice groaned from the doorway. 'Oh my god ofcourse Tom comes in right when me and Bill were about to kiss.' I thought to myself as i slowly got up from the floor rubbing my head,

"Oh hey Y/N" Tom says with a smile, I shoot him a sarcastic smile back and roll my eyes with a small pout. I looked at Bill and his was was flushed a bright pink,

"Oh uh yeah sure ill get you some food, Tom" He stuttered out as he scrambled off of his bed, He looked at me with a soft expression on his face.

"You wanna come N/N or stay here?" He asks and obviously i agree to go with Bill to which he just smiles widely and nods, Once we had finally both gotten some shoes on we rushed out to his car.
I hopped into the passenger seat as bill started his car,

"Did he say what kind of food he wanted?" I asked bill as i buckled my seatbelt, I took a quick glance at him and he had pursed his lips before speaking.

"No he didnt..But its fine we can get him whatever, He'll still eat it" He said as he began driving, I just nodded.
A couple minutes into the car ride i decided to put the radio,

"Oh my godd!! i love this song!" I gasped out loudly in excitement as i turned it up really loud and began singing along, I was almost yelling the lyrics into my pretend microphone while Bill giggled at me. Not long after i put my pretend microphone infront of his lips, signalling for him to sing along with me, which he did. I didnt notice but i was staring at him in awe as he sung along, I felt my lips curl up into a smile and then i noticed that we were now at a red light and that made me snap back to reality. As the song finished i groaned sadly but then another song that i liked began playing on the radio and i squealed excitedly,

"Hey, Hey, You, You, I dont like your girlfriend!" I yell out in a happy tone as the song continues to play, I look at bill at smile widely.

*Bills Pov*

She began to sing again,

"Hey, Hey, You, You, I could be your girlfriend" She sung loudly, She looked st me while singing the last part which made me blush. It seemed as if she was singing that part to me but maybe i was just being crazy, I mean theres no way she likes me..Although we did almost kiss earlier, Ugh why did Tom have to burst in at that exact moment.
I snapped out of my thoughts when i realised that we were coming close to the park, I smiled to myself as i drove into the parking lot. I looked over at
Y/Ns happy expression while i parked the car, She immediately got out of the car as fast as she could and rushed into the playground. Shes so cute when shes excited. I followed into the park shortly after and found her on a swingset, She smiled and waved me over, I walked up and went behind her as i began to push her in the swing. She laughed and i blushed, Her laugh is so pretty. Shes so pretty. You know what, Im going to confess to her today. No matter what.
I quickly stopped thinking about that when i heard her phone ringing, I stopped pushing her on the swing and helped her get off.

"Hey mom, Whats up?" She says into the phone while i just stand there waiting for the phone call to end.

"Wait what? Why?!" she says in an annoyed and upset tone which makes me wonder what their talking about,

"Mom, No! Please, I dont want to!" She continues to say, She glances up at me and i raise an eyebrow at her along with my confused expression. She just frowns at me..Whats going on..?

*End of Bills pov*

I felt myself tear up slightly, Mom got offered a better job in Canada and said that we would be moving and taking a plane over there to look for houses soon, She said she had already packed my stuff and that i should just leave behind the stuff i brought to bills.
I complained and made lots of good points about why we should stay but she was stubborn and wouldnt listen, I felt heart broken. I have to leave everything and everyone behind, Including Bill which I never wanted to do. We promised to be by each other's sides for the rest of our lives and now ill have to break that promise. I huffed out sadly as i ended the call and turned to bill,

"I need to go somewhere. Can you take me to the airport?" I asked as my voice began to break slowly and quietly, Bill looked extremely confused but he still nodded.


As we were heading into the airport i stopped and turned to bill,

"Bill.." I whispered, trying not to cry.

"Y/N whats going on? Why are we at the airport..?" He asked since i still hadnt told him, I took a sharp deep breath.

"Bill im moving..To canada, And im leaving like..right now. Im so sorry, I dont want to leave you behind but my mom hasnt given me a choice. Im going to miss you so much, You have no idea!" I began to ramble before Bill pulled me into a tight hug, making me stop with my rant. I hugged him back and began crying into his shoulder,

"I love you.." I whispered to him without thinking, Suddenly he pulled back from the hug and looked at me in shock. Before i could even apologize or anything he cupped my face and smashed his lips against mine, I happily kissed him back as my arms wrapped around his neck. We finally pulled away from the kiss after a few seconds and i gave him a weak smile with tears running down both of our cheeks now,

"Y/N i love you to, I always have and i always will. I was so scared to tell you
but im not wasting my last chance, You mean everything to me Y/N..." He said while his voice began to crack and i felt my cheeks grow hot,

"I love you to bill...Promise me one thing before i leave.." I reply while interlocking his fingers with mine and he nodded with a weak smile,

"I'll promise you anything you want me to" He whispers as he presses his forehead against mine,
I reply back to him in a soft voice as i tried not to burst into tears.

"Wait for me."


Dont mind if theres any spelling mistakes im just tired right now and cant be bothered proof reading it!
Anyways hope you guys enjoy this story and i promise i will be coming out with the next parts of other stories soon like i said i would.

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