'Enemies' (Tom Kaulitz)

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Im the singer in a pretty famous band called Serene, And i love it.
Ive been friends with all my bandmates since we were 12, We all became friends because of a group project. Overtime we all bonded over heaps of things but especially music so eventually we startes playing around with random beats and melodies together until we all decided we would make an amazing band. Which leads us to where we are now, Sitting in an office with our manager across from the one and only..Tokio hotel.

"Alright so go ahead and introduce yourselves" Our manager, Ryan, says to us all. I didnt need to introduce myself because ive met them before after an interview. They were all so sweet, Except tom..When i met him for the first time he was such an asshole to me, for no reason! I was glad i would never have to see him again until my manager decided it would be a great ides to collab and go on tour with his band. I was beyond pissed but coudlnt do anything about it, I stopped thinking about when i first met them as my bandmates properly introduced themselves.

"Hey im Evan, Im the drummer" He smiles as he goes and shakes all of their hands,

"Hello! nice to meet you, Im Bailey and im the bassist." She smiles as she goes and shakes their hands aswell, I just sit there and watch her.

"Im Zion, the guitarist. Nice to meet you guys" He gives a small smile and a little nod as he also shakes their hands, It was now my turn to introduce myself.
'ugh.' i thought to myself as i stood up and made my way over to them,

"Y/N, Im the singer but you guys already knew that" I smile at them, shaking all their hands before reaching tom. I drop my hand before he can reach out and shake it, I flash him a sarcastic smile before walking next to Zion. I could feel tom glaring at me but i  ignored it as Bill started to introduce himself to my band, followed by Gustav and Georg and then Tom. After we all introduced ourselves and had a small chat my bands manager spoke up,

"So. As you know, You guys will be going on tour together. We have decided it would be good for both bands careers if you guys toured New York, Now you guys will be leaving in 2 weeks and staying on Tour for 2 months." Ryan said with a big smile,


'Im stuck touring with Tom for 2 months?! thats so unfair, why dont i get a say in this!' I think to myself when suddenly Zion nudges my shoulder causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

"You good, N/N?" He asks me worriedly.
Out of the whole band im closer to Zion, hes my best friend. And i must admit..I kind of like him, but its my biggest secret. If he found out it could ruin our friendship or even worse, our band.

"yeah im alright" I nod with a small smile to which Zion just hums okay to.


I was walking into the airport while leaning against Zion. I was exhausted, I barely got any sleep last night cause i was busy packing all night. I felt Zions arms wrap around my shoulder which made me blush a little bit,

"Try stay awake until you board the plane, yeah?" he says to me with a slight chuckle, i just groaned and nodded as we finally found the others and tokio hotel. I sat down on a seat and groaned while burying my head into my hands, Just as i did that our flight was called for entry. I hurriedly grabbed my things as the others did the same and headed over.
When i finally go onto the plane i looked st my ticket. "16C.." i mumbled as i tried to find my seat, I realised i had found my seat so i looked up at who would be next to me.


I groaned as i saw Tom in the seat next to mine, i huffed out in annoyance as i sat down next to him. He turns to me with an judgey expression, I just roll my eyes and ignore him.

Halfway through the flight I put my earphones in to listen to music because i was bored, As i bobbed my head along to the beat and hummed the melody i could feel somebody staring at me. I took a glance at tom and we made eye contact, he immediately looked away and acted as if he wasnt just watching me. 'Weirdo' i thought to myself as i turned my attention back to my phone, Turning my music up louder.
Suddenly i feel somebody poking my leg, i look over at tom in annoyance,

"Stop doing that, its annoying." I huff out as i take one earphone out, he rolls his eyes at me.

"turn your music down. I can hear it through your eaphones" he says in a sort of angry tone, I just shrug and ignore him. He hits my shoulder,

"Ow! what the hell!" i whisper yell at him before slapping his leg harshly, he groans in pain and rubs his leg before glaring up at me.

"I hate you so much." He groans out and i just sigh, I couldnt care less if he hated me but..hearing him say it made me feel a little upset? I couldnt understand why because its not like i liked him or something. I decided to just ignore that pang of sadness after he said that and put my earphone back in.

Another couple minutes pass and i can hear faint snores, i look over at tom and notice that he fell asleep. I chuckles to myself and took a picture of him sleeping with his mouth wide open, drool running down his chin. 'He looks so ugly like that' I snicker to myself, And not to long after i started feeling sleepy, my eyes went heavy and i could feel myself about to yawn. I leant my head back and closed my eyes letting the music continue playing.

After what felt like hours my eyes finally fluttered open slowly, i can feel something heavy on my shoulder but i ignore it as i rub my eyes. After a couple of seconds i wake up properly and look down at my shoulder..

What the fuck? Why is tom sleeping on my shoulder?


he looks kind of peaceful snuggled onto my shoulder..its kind of cute.

Wait what am i thinking?! Tom Kaulitz is NOT cute, hes an asshole!

I couldnt stop staring at his sleeping face, i felt confused as to why i had thought he was cute just then. I huff out in annoyance at myself a couple of times, How the fuck did i manage to let myself think that Tom Kaulitz is cute?
I dont like him..Right? yeah theres no way I like tom! I like Zion, Not tom..

*Toms pov*

I could feel Y/Ns shoulder moving kind of harshly, she was making it hard for me to stay asleep. I slowly opened my eyes and groaned as i lifted my head from her shoulder,

"Y/N..stop moving im trying to sleep" Is all i managed to mumble out before nuzzling my head back into her shoulder getting comfy again.

"goodnight Y/N" i mumbled once more as i closed my eyes again, All i could hear her let out a quiet sigh.

"goodnight tom" she whispered to me before leaning her head ontop of mine, my heart felt as if it had sped up. Like it had skipped a beat. My face grew hot and my stomach felt all warm and fuzzy and tingly inside. Her touch made me feel..good? it made me feel safe and loved.


Why do i feel this way? Do I actually like Y/N?  ...no, theres no way i like her.

We're basically enemies...Right?

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