'your stuck with me' pt2 (Tom Kaulitz)

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My eyes fluttered open and i huffed out quietly, scanning my surroundings. I realise im wrapped in toms arms, snuggled into his chest.

"What the fuck..?" i mumble to myself, I try to slip out of his arms but he wakes up and groans,

"Stay.." he mumbles as he holds me tighter and rests his head ontop of mine, I feel my face grow hot and butterflies appear in my stomach.

Why is Tom Kaulitz giving me butterflies? We almost never talk and hes such an asshole to me at times so why do i feel so warm and fuzzy inside whenever im near him?

Why is he doing this to me, cuddling me tightly..making me feel some sort of way..Do i like him?

I snap out of my thoughts when i remember we're in a storage room, i quickly shake tom awake and remind him of the situation we're in.

"ugh..i forgot we had to stay in here all night.." he grumbles in annoyance as he stands up and stretches, while he does that i check the time. 5:07 am, We have heaps of time to get back to his house and get ready for school. I pack all my things back into my bag and groan softly, i slowly unlocked and creaked open the storage room door, peeking my head out. Good, no security or anything. I motioned for tom to follow me which he did, as we walked down the main hallway heading for the schools main entrance we notice that the schools security guards didnt clean up the spray paint or shaving foam along with everything else we had done. I snickeree to myself, I couldnt wait to see the principals reaction.

As me and tom walked out the schools door we saw bills car, still parked in the same spot. We were confused because we thought he wouldve gone home,

"what the- I thought he went home?" i mumbled to myself, confused as we walked upto the car and saw bill sleeping in the drivers seat. His mouth was hanging open with drool on the corner of his lips. Me and tom laughed at the sight of bill when out of no where tom decided it would be hilarious to scare bill, which it was. He banged harshly on the window causing bill to wake up immediately and scream with the most horrified look on his face.
Me and Tom burst into laughter once more, I was kneeling down, holding my stomach as i laughed while tom was leaning against the car laughing with me. After a few seconds bill calms down from the fright and me and tom stop laughing. He unlocks his car and glances at tom in annoyance which made me chuckle a little bit. I hopped in the front seat while tom hopped into the back and huffed out as he manspreads across half the car seat and leans back.

The whole ride home bill was ranting about how scared he was that me and tom could've gotten caught, It made me giggle a little bit because he was so worried for us and it was cute (NOT IN A ROMANTIC WAY). Suddenly some light snores interrupted bills rant and i turned around to look into the backseat, Tom was sleeping.


'He looks peaceful..kind of cute...
Wait what am i thinking? Ugh snap out of it Y/N!' I thought to myself as i swiftly turned back around, I couldnt understand why i kept thinking about tom this way..it was so annoying! I snap out of my thoughts when i realise we had arrived back at the twins house, Tom was still sleeping so i helped bill carry him inside.


Me and bill were getting ready for school as it started in 40 minutes, I packed a pair of baggy jeans and a tight long sleeved shirt so i wore that and for some reason i decided to wear toms hoodie that he gave me yesterday.

"Y/N can you go wake up tom?" bill asks me as he focuses on his eyeliner, I groan in response and slowly stand up. I drag my feet across the ground while i walk to toms room, I walk in and see half of his body hanging off the bed. I giggle quietly, How can he sleep so comfortably and peacefully like that?

"Tom, wake up" i say in a soft voice as i walk over to his bed, i struggled to roll him over so hes not hanging off of the bed but still managed. I shook him lightly and kept repeating his name in a soft tone until he finally woke up,

"5 more minutes" he mumbled as pulled the covers over his head,

"No tom come on, we have like 30 minutes until school starts. Get up" i say in a sigh as i pull the covers off of him again, He grumbled in tiredness as he finally got out of bed. He slowly waddled over to his closet when i left his room.

About 10 minutes later me and bill were waiting in the lounge for tom,

"Ugh how long is he gonna take" i groaned as i threw my head back in annoyance,

"Not long"

I turn around swiftly to see tom walking towards the door,

"Come on lets go"  he says as he opens the door and walks out to the car, me and bill slowly trailing behind him.

As bill drove us to school we kept talking about how we couldnt wait to see the principals reaction when he sees what we did to his office, main hallway and teachers lounge. We also couldnt help but wonder if he'd find out we were the ones that did it, None of us cared if we got caught though.


I was sitting in class, bored out of my mind. Although the principals shocked and angered face when he walked out of his destroyed office kept replaying in my head which made me quietly laugh to myself, When suddenly the principals voice came out of the speakers,

" Y/N L/N, Mr Tom Kaulitz and Bill Kaulitz, May you please report to the office. immediately."

My face dropped as i heard my name, No way the principal found out it was us already? I snapped out of my thoughts as i slowly gathered my books and stood up to leave the classroom.
As i got into the office i noticed Bill and Tom were already in there, We were so busted.. I sat down next to bill, The principal turned to us.

"So, Do you three have any idea about who trashed not only my office but the teachers lounge and the main hallway?" he asks us with a raised eyebrow and an angered expression, Bill looks scared as shit while Tom looks like he doesnt care. I just shrug and then the principal groans as he massages him temple,

"Listen, im not so sure about Bill but I know for a fact that you, Y/N and you, Tom definitely had something to do with it seen as we caught you guys sneaking out of the school at 5 am."
He says sternly. Me and Tom look at eachother with our jaws hanging open. We really thought we got away with it.
Im not sure why but i started laughing which caused tom to laugh with me, The principal got pissed about that because he slammed his hand on his desk and stood up.

'Bill, you are free to go. Sorry to waste your time." He says as he signals for bill to leave before looking at me and tom angrily. Me and tom slowly stop laughing as we realise how angry he really is with us,

"You two will have 2 months worth of lunchtime detention as punishment. starting right now." he says in a  frustrated tone, He then sends me and tom to the detention room.

A couple minutes passed since me and tom got to the detention room, The teacher that was monitoring us left for something. As i watched her walk out i saw Tom scooting his chair over to me with a wide smile, I just raise an eyebrow and chuckle lightly at the scene. Once tom finally reaches me he begins ranting about how sneaking into the school with me was the most fun hed had in a while. After he finishes his rant about how much fun it was he leans in close to me, his lips brushing against my ear slightly as he whispers,

"My favorite part was us cuddling in the storage room though." he says smugly as his lips curl up into a smile, i blush lightly and take a sharp breath in.
He whispers into my ear again as his hand wraps around my waist, pulling me closer to him, making me blush even more.

"You know..I hope you get stuck with me again soon if it means we get to cuddle like that again."

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