'Be quiet' (Bill Kaulitz)

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Bill and I have been dating for almost 2 years now, We're in the best relationship and we're always together. So when my older sister, Kayla, Said she wanted me to go on vacation with her i obviously asked if Bill could come which she mustve known i would ask because she then surprised me with an extra ticket for Bill! She also got one for her boyfriend so she wouldnt end up being a third wheel.

About 7 hours passed and now we had finally arrived at our hotel in Brazil, which is where we went for our vacation. Me and Bill got to our room which was right next door to Kayla and her boyfriend, Theos room. I sigh heavily in relief of finally being able to lay down, I instantly drop my bags and just fall onto the bed, Burying my face into the covers.

"You tired N/N?" Bill asks as he lays on his side next to me, rubbing my back.

"Mhm" I hummed tiredly which made Bill chuckle,

"Alright, you get some rest my love and when you wake up we'll find something fun to do." Bill said, almost whispering, as he leant down and placed a soft kiss on my hair since my face was buried into the pillow. I didnt say anything, instead i just put the covers over me and let myself slowly fall asleep.

*Bills pov*

After i kissed Y/Ns hair i got up and left the hotel, letting her get some rest. I decided to head to Kayla and Theos room since i had nothing else to do, I knocked four times before Theo finally answered the door and let me in.

"Hey what you doing here? I thought we were all just gonna stay in our hotel rooms today or something." Theo says as he ruffles his hair,

"Oh yeah that was the plan but Y/N fell asleep and i didnt want to disturb her." I reply, smiling widely. Theo just nods,

"Alright, So wanna just watch TV? Kayla went out to a cafe and explore a little bit." Theo says as he walks towards the couch, Obviously i agree and follow behind him.

About 20 minutes passed and we were still watching TV until i heard soft knocks on the door, I turned to Theo and he got up to answer the door. I stayed on the couch watching the TV still until i heard a soft voice call out for me, It was Y/N. I smile widely as i get up and walk over to the door, And there she was.
She had slightly messy hair, drowsy eyes, a baggy shirt on and some shorts. Even though she has only just woken up she still looks gorgeous, Like always. I pulled her into a hug and wrapped my arms around her waist tightly,

"Hey love, Slept well?" I asked as i buried my nose into her hair,

"Yeah..So what are we doing now since im awake?" She asks with her morning voice, Which is adorable.

"Well i was thinking we could go swimming for a bit at the hotel pool?" I replied as my hand that rested on her waist now moved to her lower back,

"Hm okay, Ill go get changed into my swimsuit" Y/N hummed as she pulled away from my arms, I watched as she left Theo and Kaylas hotel room and just as i was about to follow her i heard Theo yell out to me.

"Wait! Before you go, take these. Make good use of them, Yeah?" Theo chuckles as he throws a pack of condoms at me, My eyes widened immediately and my face went red.

"Now go on lover boy, Dont wanna keep Y/N waiting." Theo says calmly, Like he didnt just give me a pack of condoms,
Im lost for words so i just slowly nod as i head out of their hotel.

*End of Bills pov*

I had changed into my bikini and put some sandals on when Bill came into our hotel room,

"Oh wow baby..That bikini suits you very well" He says with a soft smile as he walks up to me and grabs my hand above my head, Spinning me around slowly. I let out a small chuckle as i finished spinning,

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