'Racing for you' pt2 (Tom Kaulitz)

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I crossed the finish line in first place and i can hear the crowd screaming from excitement,

"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N!" Heaps of people chanted in sync as I parked my bike and took of my helmet. I began walking over to Hunters car again as i waved to a couple of people and smiled for pictures, Eventually I got away from all the fans and reached Hunters car. I leaned on the hood of it as i huffed out and looked down at my feet,

"You were fucking amazing out there, N/N" A deep voice says from infront of me, I look up and im met with none other than Tom.

"Thanks Tommy" I reply back to him, Since he gave me a nickname i gave him one as well. His eyes widened and he blushed, Cute. Wait what am I thinking? I just met the dude theres no way i can already like him..

I snap out of my thoughts when i realise tom had now placed a cigarette between his lips, he lit it up and i just stared.

"Want one?" He asks with a raised eyebrow after taking a long drag, I flash him a small grin as i take the cigarette from his lips and place them between mine, taking a drag myself. I puff out the smoke and give his cigarette back, He chuckled at what i had just done and continued smoking. After a few seconds of just silence we finally began talking, We talked about ourselves and our lives which was more fun then i thought it would've been. About 20 minutes passed of us just talking but it had felt like hours, Suddenly Hunter interrupted us.

"Right you two, im heading off now. Y/N ill see you back at home whenever alright? dont get in trouble" he says with a small grin as he wiggles his eye brows at me and tom, I roll my eyes and giggle a little bit before hugging him and saying goodbye. I stood back from his car as he started driving away from where he was currently parked, he revved the engine a couple times before finally speeding off. I chuckle and turn back to tom who was already staring at me,

"Wanna come for a ride with me?" I ask him as i hold my helmet out to him, Instantly he drops his cigarette to the ground and steps on it before taking the helmet. I watched as he struggled to put it on and laughed, I ended up helping him after awhile and we hopped onto my bike.

"Tom hold on" I yell to him as i put his arms around my waist, He mustve heard what i said cause he immediately held me tighter. I revved the engine a couple of times before speeding off which caused tom to hold me even tighter, I zoomed through an empty road and enjoyed the wind hitting my face. Riding my motorbike made me feel calm, Like i was finally at peace with all that has happened. I suddenly felt tom bury his head into the crook of my neck as he held on tighter, I giggled a bit.


I parked my bike in the corner of an empty parking lot, Tom seemed confused at first about where we were going but i told him it was a suprise. I took his hand in mine and intertwined our fingers as we walked to the beach, As soon as he saw the sand he realised where we were and his face lit up. He smiled at me widely which made my heart skip a beat honestly, His grip on my hand tightened as he leaned closer to me while we walked along the shore.
After what felt like forever we finally stopped walking and just watched the sunset shine over the waves, I looked over at tom and he was just admiring the view while i was admiring him. The way the light from the sunset glowed against his skin and made his eyes stand out, Hes so handsome..Wait wait wait, What am I thinking? Do I...Like Tom? No way, I dont like him. I couldnt.

"Hey N/N, wanna go for a swim?" Tom asks with a smirk which makes me snap back to reality. I think for a second and  ofcourse i said yes, who wouldnt?

*Toms pov*

I took off my jeans and my shirt swiftly, I looked over at Y/N who was now just taking her shirt off. I couldnt help but stare, Everything about her seemed to be perfect. We had only met today but I feel like I have a real connection with her, Like shes my person. My eyes flicker up and down her body which was now only covered by her underwear and bra, Fuck shes so gorgeous. I then look at her, making eye contact. Her gorgeous e/c eyes, Her smile, Her voice, Her laugh, The way her eye lashes flutter whenever she laughs, Her beautiful h/c hair that falls perfectly against her shoulders. It feels like she has some sort of spell on me because for someone that ive only known for a few hours, shes made me feel some sort of way.

I snap out of my thoughts when i feel her hand in mine, she began dragging me into the water. I chuckled and raced into the ocean with her, she gasps loudly as the coldness and lets out a high pitched squeal. I decide to splash her in the face with the water which makes her gasp again, she immediately dives underwater.

What? Why'd she go under wate-

I then get pulled underwater by my ankle, I knew it was Y/N. About 3 seconds later i come back up from the water and see her giggling, Oh shes gonna regret that. I grab her and begin tickling her, She laughs loudly and squirms around in my arms. I chuckle as she screams out,

"Okay okay tommy! im sorry!" She said in between laughs, God her voice and laugh was so pretty. And when she calls me Tommy i swear my heart stops. Im so addicted to her already and i couldnt understand why, but i wasnt complaining either way. A few seconds pass and she stops laughing as i stopped tickling her, she has her hands on my chest and her legs wrapped around my waist while one of my hands is holding under one of her thighs and my other hand is rested on her lower back. We stay in eachothers arms in silence, admiring each other. At that moment I feel like i want nothing more than to kiss her, so i do.

Her lips were so soft, The feeling of her kissing back made me get butterflies. I bring a hand up from her lower back and softly cup her cheek, deepening the kiss..About 7 seconds later we finally pull away. We're both blushing hard and smiling like idiots, She really does make me feel like the best version of myself.

"We should probably get out of the water now before we catch a cold" Her sweet voice says in a soothing tone as she lets out a small giggle, We head out the water and my eyes are glued to her the whole time. How can she make me feel like this without even doing anything? Why do i feel like this about her when i dont know her that well?..I get dressed but my mind continues to think the same thoughts over and over again, Before I know it shes tugging on my shirt which snaps me out of my thoughts. I turned to her and notice how her shirt clings to her damp body, she must be freezing. Without hesitation i push my hoodie into her arms,

"Here, I want you to stay warm." I said with a smile which she returned, I watched her put my hoodie on. It was so big on her and she looked so cute with it on, I pull her into a hug and kiss her forehead lightly.

*end of toms pov*

I rested my head on his shoulder as we both melted into eachothers embrace, I was falling for him and he was falling for me and im pretty sure we both know it. No matter how much i can try to deny it, i know deep down inside that i dont only like Tom Kaulitz...

...I love him..


Guys i am so so so sorry for not updating as much! I promise im working on a lot of new stories but I am very occupied with my homework and band practice at the moment! I will try update more though!

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