'Because of you' - Tom Kaulitz

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This story is a special request so Y/N in this story will be referred to as Laynie  :)

There are many people that love me, and there are many people that hate me. But nobody beats Tom Kaulitz when it comes to hating me, because that boy hates me with a passion. And so do i, he is my enemy just as much as i am his. Hes a ladies man, or better known as a huge player and flirt which is disgusting, he cant stay focused on one girl for more than a night. To make it worse,  he was absolutely horrible to me. Hes always teasing me, saying rude things about me, calling me rude names and going as far as getting physical. He would shove me, nudge me, slam things out of my hands and yank on my hair. It was so bad that i just couldnt take it and began to self harm just to distract myself from how he was hurting me, to give myself any other pain so i wouldnt have to think about the pain he was causing me.

It was a rainy day, i was exhausted and felt as if my body was going limp while my eyes grew heavy, and before i knew it i had fallen asleep in class. Not even 10 minutes later i abruptly woke up to water going all over my head, and ofcourse..it was none other than the enemy himself, Tom. I gave him a nasty glare as i shot up from my seat, instantly shoving him.

"What the fucks your problem?! Are you that obsessed with me that you cant go even 10 minutes without finding some way to get my attention? You desperate cunt."
I snarled at tom, not caring that everybody's eyes were on me and tom, not even the teachers glare made me give a single fuck. Tom looked furious and before he could even open his mouth to say something, the teachers shrill voice cut him off.

"Laynie! Detention, NOW"
the teacher growled at me, slamming her palms against her desk. I let out a frustrated sigh and packed my things, giving tom a glare as i shoved my way past him and out the door.

"You wish i craved your attention, bitch!"
Tom yelled out to me as i was midway out the door, Mrs Sutherland snaps and sends tom to detention with me. Great, just great. Exactly what i need, to be stuck in a room with tom for an hour straight with nothing to do and nobody else to talk to. We both get into detention, seeing all the chairs stacked up except for one. Instantly i ran to the chair before tom could and give him a proud and cocky smirk but that smirk quickly faded from my lips as tom sat on me.

"What the hell you freak, get off!"
I snarled at him as i struggled to pull him off.

"Nah im good here, laynie"
Tom chuckles out cockily with a smirk, causing me more upset and try shove him off. Once i finally succeeded in pushing him off he gripped onto my wrist and pulled me with him.

I winced out in pain as i land on the floor, biting my lip to suppress the whines and winces of pain.

"What? You gonna be a cry baby, Laynie? I didnt even pull you that hard, get over it"
Tom scoffs out in annoyance, rolling his eyes as he propped himself up on his elbows. Although i was a little hurt from falling on the floor but thats not what i was wincing about..i had fresh wounds, making it even more painful when tom gripped onto my wrist like that but obviously he couldnt know about this so i didnt mention it or even try to.

"God it's nothing. I just fell a little harshly, Okay? Leave me alone."
I snarled out as i jolted up, rubbing my wrist gently through my hoodie sleeve while i went back to my seat.

For the rest of detention i was holding my wrist gently, trying to ignore the aching it had from when tom gripped on my wounds. After a while of rubbing my wrist, i looked down and saw blood. My eyes widen, my breath hitches and I instantly cover up the blood stain on my hoodie sleeve. I look around the classroom for any paper towels or tissues, failing to find a single one. Suddenly i spot a little pack of tissues in toms pocket.

i huff out quietly as i didnt want to talk to him but had no choice really.

"What laynie?"
Tom huffs back in an annoyed growl, not wanting to talk to me either. I hesitate for a moment, watching him grab a chair and slump down in it, crossing his arms and looking grumpy.

"Can i uh borrow a tissue.."
I muttered awkwardly as i shift uncomfortably in my seat, gripping my wrist to hide the blood stain. His eyes dart to me, looking me up and down with a confused look before rolling his eyes with a sigh and digging his hand into his big pocket. Once he successfully fishes out the tissues from his pocket he chucks them over to me then crossing his arms again. I instantly rip open the small pack and pull out two or three tissues and slipping them under the sleeve of my hoodie and onto my wounds to soak the blood up.

"What do you need 'em for anyways."
Tom mumbled in a low grumpy voice yet it sounded slightly gentle. I rolled my eyes and gave him a quick glare before looking back down at my sleeve and letting out a small wince as i accidentally press to hard down on my wounds.

"Laynie come on, dont give me the silent treatment. What did you need it for? What are you doing?"
Tom asks as he shifts in his seat, now leaning forward as his eyes lock with mine. I let out a small frustrated sigh before looking away from him.

"None of your business, Tom. And dont call me Laynie, we aren't friends."
I snarled  as i turned my back to him so he couldnt see what i was doing. He groaned and got up, the sound of his footsteps approaching begin to get louder as he gets closer then suddenly i felt his hand wrap around my shoulder. He leans down and gets close, his lips brushing against my ear ever so slightly before he whispers to me in a low yet soothing voice.

"What you do is my business, Laynie."

I know i keep saying I'll start posting regularly again but I honestly keep forgetting or getting writers block😭 but i swear you guys i will be posting more i promise this time for real!  Also dont mind if theres any spelling mistakes, i dont proof read my stories💀
Anyways im so lonely, why cant i just have a cute clingy boyfriend or a clingy masc girlfriend like wth. 😞

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